Each school year, SANDCASP holds a minimum of four board meetings, where we discuss current happenings, progress within each of our committees, future endeavors, updates from CASP, and MORE!  All meetings are open to members of SANDCASP and we'd love to have you!

Board meetings typically occur on Wednesdays and begin at 5pm.  Our board meeting dates for the 2022–2023 school year are included below.  For those meetings which have occurred, a link to the meeting minutes has been provided.  








Note: Due to concerns surrounding the spread of COVID-19, our board meetings will occur virtually (via Zoom) until further notice.  Please contact board@sandcasp.com if you would like more information on attending one so that we can send you the Zoom link.  

Additionally, if you would like to know more about the rules that govern SANDCASP or about your member rights, please take a look at our BYLAWS (Revised 6.2019).