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Monday, 19 August, 2002, 12:48 GMT 13:48 UK
Libya aim to co-host 2006
The Libyan FA is planning to propose a joint bid to host the 24th Nations Cup in 2006. Meftah Kashkar, a top official with the Libyan FA, is due to hold talks in Cairo with Egypt's football authorities. But the Egyptians are holding out little hope of the offer being accepted. The General Secretary of the Egyptian FA, Mohamed >Seyagi, told the BBC: "We are happy to co-operate with the Libyan >association. We already have a lot of joint agreements. But I think it would be very difficult to consider such a proposal only one month prior to Caf's decision". Caf is due to announce the hosts next month, after examining the bids since the deadline five months ago. Algeria, Libya, Ivory Coast and Egypt are the four countries vying for the privilege. Ultimate prize The 2006 competition will, for the first time, be used as a qualifying event to select Africa's five representatives for the World Cup later in the year. It gives the home team an enormous advantage - hence Libya's desire to increase its chances by co-operating with probably its biggest rival. The Nations Cup in 2000 was the first and only time the competition has been co-hosted. Ghana and Nigeria were asked to stand in a short notice after Zimbabwe was unable to guarantee funding. Libya has staged the tournament once back in 1982, while Egypt has held it almost three times, most recently in 1986. There has been an element of rotation in recent years, ensuring that the tournament moves around the continent. With Tunisia hosting in 2004, Ivory Coast stands a good chance in 2006 by being the only non-North African nation in the running. |
Tunisia 2004 The qualifying draw for the next Nations Cup See also:
26 Apr 02 | Africa
13 May 02 | Cup of Nations
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