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Last Updated:  Wednesday, 26 February, 2003, 12:22 GMT
Teacher praises Coldplay student
Coldplay have won numerous awards
A north Wales music teacher who taught the guitarist with Grammy-winning Coldplay has said she always knew he would be successful.

Jonny Buckland was a student at Mold Alun High school in Flintshire between the age of 11 and 18.

On Tuesday, the rock band won two prizes at the US music industry's most prestigious awards ceremony, including best alternative album for A Rush Of Blood To The Head.

The successful night followed days after they won best British group and album at the Brit Awards.

Jonny Buckland at the 2001 Brit Awards
Jonny Buckland at the 2001 Brit Awards

Margaret Parr said the musician deserves the awards.

"I taught Jonathan throughout school from the age of 11 to 18 and I had immense pleasure teaching him," she said.

"He was always extremely interested in music and had immense talent for the guitar.

"When he studied A-level music his strength was in his composition and I always felt that he would do well."

Ms Parr, who has since retired from the secondary school, said she does not own the band's award winning album but she has listened to it.

He was always extremely interested in music and had immense talent for the guitar
Margaret Parr music teacher

"I think they are a very talented group and they have deserved their success.

"They're authentic and what they do is good."

She added that Jonny is well known to fellow pupils.

"There was great interest in the school when [Coldplay] started to become successful and I'm sure he will be an inspiration to the music students who are there now."


The four-piece band flew the flag for Britain - becoming the UK's only high-profile winners at the Grammys.

The group who formed in 1998 also won best rock performance by a group for their track In My Place.

The band became the first group to win the best alternative album category for two years running.

They also beat off U2 to be named the top rock performers.

Coldplay came together during their first week at University College London in the mid-90s.

The band soon became headline material, topping the bill at V2001 and Glastonbury 2002.

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