Israel Air Force Aircraft Inventories

Last revised: October 3 2022

The following lists are an attempt to track the acquistions and losses of combat aircraft used by the Israel Air Force. Where possible, acqusitions and losses are listed by date. Also, when known, the pilots of aircraft lost are listed. I welcome any further information that people might have available. I can be e-mailed at: [email protected].

| Fighters/Bombers | Transports | Trainers | Helicopters | Top |

 Avia S 199
        1    21-May-48                    D-101 Air freighted from Czechslovakia
        1    22-May-48                    D-102 Air freighted from Czechslovakia
        1    23-May-48                    D-103 Air freighted from Czechslovakia
    +1/-1    24-May-48                          Air freighted from Czechslovakia                   Lost in crash of C-46 while landing in fog
        2    23-May-48                  D-104,5 Air freighted from Czechslovakia
        1    27-May-48                    D-106 Air freighted from Czechslovakia
       -1    29-May-48                    D-101 Edward Cohen                                       Egyptian AAA, pilot killed
        2    30-May-48                  D-107,8 Air freighted from Czechslovakia
       -1    30-May-48                    D-102 Milton Rubenfeld                                   Iraqi AAA, pilot recovered
        1    02-Jun-48                    D-109 Air freighted from Czechslovakia
       15   Jun-Aug 48             D-110 to 124 From Czechslovakia
       -1       Jun-48                    D-106 Gideon Lichtman                                    Take-off accident
       -1    04-Jun-48                          David Baron (Wiseberg)                             Take-off accident
       -1    09-Jul-48                    D-110 Robert Vickman                                     Egyptian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    10-Jul-48                    D-107 Lionel Bloch                                       Syrian AT-6, pilot killed
       -1    21-Aug-48                    D-108 Flint                                              Crashed
       -1    20-Aug-48                    D-117 Flint                                              Crash landing
       -1    06-Sep-48                    D-121 Leon Noomis                                        Belly landing
       -1    08-Sep-48                    D-115 Alexander Jacobs                                   Landing accident
       -1    16-Sep-48                    D-122 Cyril Horowitz                                     Take-off accident
       -1    08-Oct-48                    D-119 Bill Pomerantz                                     Accident
       -1    16-Oct-48                    D-113 Leon Frankel                                       Belly landing
       -1    16-Oct-48                    D-114 Modi Allon (Klivanski)                             Stall in traffic pattern, pilot killed
       -1    17-Oct-48                    D-117 Gideon Lichtman                                    Belly landing
        1    26-Nov-48                    D-124                                                    Released from Italy
       -1    15-Dec-48                    D-124 Wayne Peake                                        Take-off accident
       -4    02-May-50                          Withdrawn
       -1       Apr-88                    D-112 To IAF Museum

 Supermarine Spitfire
        1    23-Jul-48       IX           D-130 Assembled from scrap                               Reserialed 2001
        3    29-Sep-48       IX       D-132-134 Air ferried from Czechslovakia                     Reserialed 2003-5
       -2    29-Sep-48       IX                                                                    Impounded in Rhodes, pilots recovered
       -1    16-Oct-48       IX                 Maurice Mann
       -1       Nov-48       IX           D-134                                                    Write-off
       10       Dec-48       IX                 Shipped from Czechslovakia
       -1    18-Dec-48       IX                 Bill Pomerantz                                     Wheels up landing in Yugoslavia, pilot recovered
       -1    18-Dec-48       IX                 Sam Pomerance                                      Flew into mountain in Yugoslavia, pilot killed
        4    22-Dec-48       IX      2008,11,12 Air ferried from Czechslovakia
        6    26-Dec-48       IX     2010,13,14, Air ferried from Czechslovakia
        1    29-Dec-48       IX                 Captured at El-Arish
        2    30-Dec-48       IX         2015,19 Air ferried from Czechslovakia
        1         1949       IX                 Air freighted from Czechoslovakia
       -1    04-Jan-49       IX           D-133 Aaron Finkel                                       Landing accident
       -1    05-Jul-49       IX            2015 Itzak Volovitz                                     Engine cut while duals dogfighting, Pilot killed
       -1    28-Sep-49       IX            2016 Seymour Feldman                                    Hung bomb, pilot recovered
       -1    13-Dec-49       IX            2014
        1         1950       IX      D-131/2002 Assembled from scrap
       -1    21-Jun-50       IX                 Yosef Cohen                                        Low level roll in test flight, Pilot killed
        2    10-Dec-50       IX                 Impounded airframes ferried from Rhodes
       -1    15-Jan-51       IX            2004 Gabriel Meir                                       Vertigo while flying in bad weather, Pilot killed
       -1    01-Mar-51       IX            2003
       -1    29-Mar-51       IX            2008
       -1       Aug-51       IX            2001 Fire at Ramat David
       -1    19-Aug-51       IX            2047 Yoel Kosta                                         Fire, pilot died in bail-out attempt
       -1    27-Nov-51       IX           2021? Ya'acov Agassi                                     Mid-air collision, pilot recovered
       30         1953       IX                 Ex-Italian
       -1    23-Sep-53       IX            2025                                                    Aircraft destroyed
       -1    04-Apr-54       IX            2081 David Ratner                                       Hit a mountain while low level flying, Pilot killed
       -1    01-Aug-54       IX            2071                                                    Landing accident
       -3    03-Oct-54       IX       2009,41,? Delivered to Burma
       -2    13-Nov-54       IX         2024,39 Delivered to Burma
       -4    29-Nov-54       IX   2026,50,87,52 Delivered to Burma
       -3    03-Dec-54       IX      2023,85,79 Delivered to Burma (impounded in Beirut until April 1955)
       -1    03-Jan-55       IX            2037 Tham Win (Burmese AF)                              Engine failure on take-off, pilot killed
       -4    15-Feb-55       IX   2043,77,58,20 Delivered to Burma
       -4    02-Mar-55       IX   2059,70,76,13 Delivered to Burma
       -1    14-Apr-55       IX            2090 Delivered to Burma
       -1    01-Jun-55       IX            2063                                                    Emergency landing
       -3    29-Jun-55       IX      2080,34,10 Delivered to Burma
       -3    14-Aug-55       IX       2069,74,? Delivered to Burma
       -1    22-Aug-55       IX            2018 Aryeh Ostrov                                       Engine oil spreaded in canopy in test flight, Pilot killed
       -1    28-Sep-55       IX            2060 Amir Shapira                                       Hit a mountain while low level flying, Pilot killed
       -3    09-Oct-55       IX           ?,?,? Delivered to Burma
       -1    14-Feb-56       IX            2075                                                    Aircraft destroyed
       -1    17-Apr-56       IX            2061 Har'el                                             Take-off accident
       -1                    IX            2028 To IAF Museum
       -1                    IX            2057 To IAF Museum

 North American P-51
        2       Sep-48    P-51D       D-190,191
        3         1949    P-51D
       -1    03-Aug-51    P-51D                 Shalom Rakir                                       Couldn't escape from high speed dive, Pilot killed
       30         1952    P-51D                 Ex-USAAF
       25         1952    P-51D                 Ex-Royal Swedish AF
       -1    14-Dec-52    P-51D                 Zvi Blat                                           Low level flying, Pilot killed
       -1    02-Jan-53    P-51D                 Arieh Reznik                                       Couldn't escape from dive, Pilot killed
       -1    03-Jun-54    P-51D                 Avraham Yodfat                                     Midair collision with Meteor, pilot killed
       -1    24-Jun-54    P-51D                 Ehud Dokinsky                                      Vertigo, pilot killed
       -1    18-Aug-54    P-51D                 Itzik Zelinger                                     Midair collision, pilot killed
       -1    18-Aug-54    P-51D                 Amri Ariav                                         Midair collision, pilot killed
       30         1955    P-51D                 Ex-Italian AF
       -1    12-Aug-56    P-51D            2367 Chaim Niv                                          Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    04-Sep-56    P-51D            2371 Eldad Paz                                          Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    07-Oct-56    P-51D            2327 Eldad Paz                                          Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    14-Oct-56    P-51D            2334 Uri Leventhal                                      Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    25-Oct-56    P-51D            2344 Alex Jacobs                                        Take-off crash, pilot killed
       -1    31-Oct-56    P-51D           2336? Moshe Tadmor                                       Egyptian ground fire, pilot killed
       -1    31-Oct-56    P-51D            2319 Eldad Paz                                          Egyptian ground fire, pilot recovered
       -1    31-Oct-56    P-51D            2306 Ori Schlesinger                                    Egyptian ground fire, pilot killed
       -1    31-Oct-56    P-51D                 Asaf Ben-Nun                                       Egyptian ground fire, pilot recovered
       -1    31-Oct-56    P-51D            2320 Ya'acov Rafaeli                                    Egyptian ground fire, pilot recovered
       -1    01-Nov-56    P-51D                 Eliezer Cohen                                      Egyptian ground fire, pilot recovered
       -1    01-Nov-56    P-51D                 Shlomo Gelbard                                     Egyptian ground fire, pilot recovered
       -1    01-Nov-56    P-51D            2373 Dan Barak                                          Egyptian ground fire, pilot recovered
       -1    02-Nov-56    P-51D                 Yonnatan Atkes                                     Egyptian ground fire, pilot PoW
                  1961    P-51D                 Withdrawn
       -2                 P-51D                 To IAF Museum

 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress
        3    15-Jul-48    B-17G          1601-3
       -3         1956    B-17G                 Withdrawn

 Lockheed Hudson
        1    06-Nov-48      IVA            2601 Ex-RAAF
        1       Feb-48     IIIA            2602 Ex-RAAF
        1       Mar-48     IIIA            2603 Ex-RAAF
        1       May-48     III                  Ex-RAAF
       -3       Jul-50                          Withdrawn

 Bristol Beaufighter
        5       Jul-48    Mk. X         D-170-3 Ex-RAF
        1       Jul-48   Mk. II                 Ex-RAF
       -1                 Mk. X                 Cannibalized for parts before delivery
       -1    28-Jul-48   Mk. II                 Michael Campbell                                   Crashed on landing before delivery, pilot killed
       -1                 Mk. X           D-173 Cannibalized for parts after delivery
       -1    20-Oct-48    Mk. X           D-171 Len Fitchett, Dov Sugerman, Stan Andrews           Egyptian ground fire, crew killed after capture
       -2       Nov-48    Mk. X       D-170,172 Withdrawn

 de Havilland Mosquito
        1    06-Jul-48    PR.16      D-160/2101 Ex-RAF
        1    04-Oct-48    PR.16            2102 Ex-RAF                                             Never flew
       -1    06-Jan-50    PR.16            2102 Withdrawn
        5    19-Feb-51     FB.6            2146 Ex-Armee' de l'Air
       33    21-Feb-51     FB.6                 Ex-Armee' de l'Air
       20    21-Feb-51    NF.30      2127, 2129 Ex-Armee' de l'Air
        4    21-Feb-51    PR.16     2132, 2139, Ex-Armee' de l'Air
                                     2149, 2150
        2    20-Mar-51     FB.6                 Ex-Armee' de l'Air
        3    20-Mar-51      T.3     2115, 2118, Ex-Armee' de l'Air
       -1    28-Apr-52     FB.6            2110 Moshe Ashel                                        Landing accident, pilot recovered
       -1    08-Jul-52      T.3            2119 Danny Shapira/Ze'ev Tavor                          Take-off accident, crew recovered
       -1    18-Jul-52    NF.30            2156 John Harvey                                        Probably an engine cut on test flight in France before ferry to Israel, Pilot killed
       -1    29-Jan-53     FB.6            2107 Era Shamueli                                       Landing accident, pilot recovered
       -1    10-Jun-53     FB.6            2136 Erlich/Halperin
       -1    06-Aug-53    NF.30            2113 Uriel Ashel/Oded Shatil                            Flew into sea at night, crew killed
       -1    06-Aug-53     FB.6            2112 Eliezer Raizner/Yehuda Katz                        Flew into sea, crew killed
       -1    26-Oct-53     FB.6            2105 Ovadya Nachman                                     Midair disintegration, pilot recovered
       -1    27-Nov-53                          Eliezer Hazan/Ezra Atlas                           Crash during one-engine flight, crew killed
       -1    29-Nov-53                     2116 Shalmon/Hartzmann                                  Hartzmann killed, Shalmon recovered
       -1    29-Dec-53     FB.6            2121 Nachom Yahalom/Mordechai Segal                     Write-off, crew recovered
        4         1954      T.3     2161, 2162, Ex-Armee' de l'Air                                 Converted from FB.6s
                                     2163, 2164
       -1    08-Mar-54     FB.6                 Meir Friedman/Gideon Horowitz                      Flew into ground, crew killed
       -1    04-May-54     FB.6            2137 Shamuel Bavli/Elisha Galon                         Belly landing, crew recovered
       -1    11-May-54     FB.6            2120 Ze'ev Tavor                                        Belly landing, pilot recovered
       -1    14-Jun-54      T.3            2138 Israel Lahav/Zohar Landau                          Engine failed on take-off, crew recovered
       13       Jul-54     T.33                 Ex-RAF
        7       Jul-54     FB.6                 Ex-RAF
       -1    09-Aug-54                          Amon Bloch/Zvi Tempelman                           Midair disintegration, Bloch recovered, Tempelman killed
       -1    09-Sep-54     FB.6            2143 Adam Sherer                                        Flew into ground, pilot killed
       -1    26-Nov-54      T.3            2118 ?/Livneh                                           Landing accident, crew recovered
       -1    29-Nov-54     FB.6            2116 Ya'acov Shalmon/Shlomo Hartzman                    Landing accident, Shalmon killed, Hartzman recovered
       -1    19-Mar-55    PR.16            2149 David Orli/Elisha Galon                            Landing accident, crew recovered
       -1    20-Mar-55     FB.6            2131                                                    Landing accident
       -1    25-May-55    NF.30            2151 ?/Aryeh Raviv                                      Belly landing
       -1    25-May-55     FB.6            2161 Michael Ben-Yoseph/Yehuda Ben-Yehuda               Engine failure, crew recovered
       -1    07-Jun-55      T.3            2161 Shimon Ash/Michael Ben-Yoseph                      Landing accident, crew recovered
       -1    18-Jul-55     FB.6            2134 ?/Melamad                                          Landing accident, crew recovered
       -1    09-Aug-55     FB.6            2114                                                    Landing accident
       -1    13-Nov-55    TR.33            2180
       -1    12-Feb-56      T.3                 Uri Yarom/Eli Eyal                                 Landing accident, crew recovered
       -1    13-Mar-56    PR.16            2150 Elisha Shamueli/Amitai Lask                        Spin from high altitude, crew killed
       -1    15-Apr-56                          Dan Stahl                                          Spin, pilot killed
                May-56    NF.30     2127, 2129, Withdrawn
                                2147, 2148, 2152, 2153, 2154, 2155, 2157, 2158
        3       May-56    PR.16            2153 Converted from NF.30s
       -1    30-Jul-56    PR.16            2150 Achiya Hashiloni                                   Landing accident, pilot recovered
        3    02-Sep-56    PR.16      2190, 2191 Ex-RAF
       -1    31-Oct-56     FB.6            2171 Shimon Ash/Mordechai Segal                         Belly landing after battle damage, crew recovered
       -2       Oct-56    TR.33       2173,2181                                                    Write-off from battle damage
                Nov-56     FB.6     2122, 2123, Withdrawn
                                2124, 2126, 2133, 2135, 2142, 2167, 2169, 2170, 2171, 2172, 2176, 2182
                Nov-56      T.3         2162,64 Withdrawn
                Nov-56    TR.33     2165, 2168, Withdrawn
                                2173, 2174, 2175, 2177, 2178, 2179, 2181, 2183, 2184
       -1    22-Nov-56    PR.16            2190 Ze'ev Tavor/Rafael Sivron                          Landing accident, crew recovered
       -1    07-Jan-57    PR.16            2101 Zvi Lavon/Rafael Sivron                            Underran landing, crew recovered
                Aug-58    PR.16      2132, 2139 Withdrawn

 Gloster Meteor
        4    01-Feb-53      T.7  13, 14, 15, 16 New
       11       Aug-53      F.8        01 to 11 New
        7         1954     FR.9        31 to 37 Ex-RAF
       -1    05-Sep-54      F.8               1 Yitzhak Kirer                                      Control loss, pilot killed
        2       Jun-55      T.7          17, 18 Ex-RAF
       -1    15-May-55      F.8               7 Ira Shmueli                                        Spin, pilot killed
       -1    29-May-55      T.7              13 Shmuel Lior/Yosef Rodavsky                         Crashed on instrument flight training, crew killed
       -1    29-Nov-55        ?
        3    05-Sep-56    NF.13     38, 51, 52? Ex-RAF
       -1    19-Jun-56      F.8                 Asher Porat                                        Dived to the sea after low level strafing, Pilot killed
       -1    30-Oct-56      T.7                 Alroy Hillel                                       Spin in combat, pilot recovered
        2         1957  T.7/T.8           19,20 Belgian built
       -1    08-Feb-57      F.8               5 Avihu Moskowitz                                    Control loss, pilot killed
        3       Jan-58  T.7/T.8        21,22,23 Belgian built
        3    21-Mar-58    NF.13     55, 56, 57? Ex-RAF
       -1    21-Mar-58    NF.13              59 Mati Kaspit/Achiya Ashiloni                        Fuel exhaustion, crew recovered
       -1    26-Sep-60  T.7/T.8              20 Gideon Magen/Shlomo Koren                          Bird ingested into #2 engine, crew recovered
       -1    27-Mar-61        ?
       -1    08-Nov-61    NF.13              55 Ben-Zion Zohar/Micha Ramati                        Crash landing, crew recovered
       -1    04-Apr-62  T.7/T.8              16 Hanan Peled/Yitzhak Zuckerman                      Hit the ground, crew killed
       -1    09-May-62      F.8               4 Tzur Ben-Barak                                     Control loss, pilot recovered
       -1    18-Jul-62  T.7/T.8              19 Rafi Lev/?                                         Crash landing, crew recovered
       -1    28-Nov-66  T.7/T.8              14 Boaz Gafni/Nachuam Roman                           Spin at final with one engine, crew killed
       -1    20-Jul-78    NF.13              57 To IAF Museum
       -1         1980      T.7              15 To IAF Museum
       -1         1984      F.8              06 To IAF Museum
       -1         1984      T.7              18 To IAF Museum
       -1                   F.8              40 To IAF Museum
       -1                 NF.13              38 To IAF Museum
       -1               T.7/T.8              21 To IAF Museum
       -1                   F.8              10 Gate guard at Ramat David
       -1                 NF.13              55 Gate guard at Tel Nof
       -1                 NF.13             38? Privately owned

 Dassault Ouragan
       24         1955                          Ex-Armee' de l'Air
        6         1956                          Ex-Armee' de l'Air
       -1    31-Oct-56                                                                             Egyptian MiG-15 (Faruq el-Ghazzawi)
       -2       Oct-56
       -1    27-Dec-56                       30 Yosef Kopel                                        Pilot killed
       -1    02-Jun-57                       25 David Binder                                       Hit the ground in a low flight manouver, pilot killed
       -1    29-May-58                       75 Reuvan Shragai                                     Engine explosion, pilot ejected but parachute won't open, pilot killed
       -1    14-Nov-58                       73 Ran Sharon (Shaiovitz)                             Engine failure, pilot killed
       -1    14-Nov-58                       61 Avigdor Yahalom                                    Elevator trim problems, pilot killed
       -1    16-Oct-60                       28 Nachshon Gal                                       Hit the ground in a low navigation flight , pilot killed
        1         1961                          Ex-Armee' de l'Air
        9         1962                          Ex-Armee' de l'Air
       -1    07-Mar-62                       47 Oded Zakai-Gruber                                  Pilot killed
        6         1963                          Ex-Armee' de l'Air
       -1    15-Feb-63                       21 Ezra Zarzif                                        Flew into ground during strafing practice, pilot killed
       -1    21-Nov-63                       67 Amos Sharon                                        Spin, pilot killed
       -1    09-Nov-64                       22 Yiftach Spector                                    Mid-Air collision with another Ouragan. Pilot recovered
       -1    09-Nov-64                       27 Yosef Aviv                                         Mid-Air collision with another Ouragan. Pilot recovered
       24         1964                          Ex-Armee' de l'Air
       -1         1966                       88 Yochanan Rozer                                     Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    07-Feb-66                       17 Moshe Geva-Gotlieb                                 Crash on takeoff with aerial target behind, pilot killed
       -1 After Mar 1966                        Eli Kessen                                         Crash landing
       -1 After Mar 1966                        Eli Kessen                                         Crash landing
      -27    by Jun-67
       -1    05-Jun-67                       12 Yoram Harpaz                                       Israeli MIM-23A Hawk, pilot killed
       -1    05-Jun-67                          David Yariv                                        Egyptian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    05-Jun-67                          Morodohai Lavon                                    Egyptian AAA, pilot PoW
       -1    05-Jun-67                          Mordochai Pinto                                    Egyptian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    05-Jun-67                       96 Yoseph Salnet                                      Egyptian AAA, pilot recovered
       -1    06-Jun-67                       76 Refael Lev                                         Egyptian AAA, pilot recovered
       -1    07-Jun-67                          Bih                                                Jordanian AAA or Iraqi Hunter (Shourdom)
       -1    08-Jun-67                       78 Zik Ya'acov                                        Jordanian AAA, pilot recovered
       -1    08-Jun-67                          Otniel Shamir                                      Syrian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    09-Jun-67                       93 Shaul Gilbo'a                                      Syrian AAA, pilot recovered
       -1     Jan 1969                          Uri Manor                                          Engine cut, pilot recovered
       -1    21-Mar-69                          Shaul Gilbo'a                                      Jordanian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    18-Jun-70                          David Dotan (Danziger)                             Pilot killed
       -1    05-Jul-70                          Ilan Brosh (Barshadsky)                            Spin while dogfight training, pilot killed
       -1    16-May-71                          Amnon Meniv                                        Pilot killed
       -1        1971?                          Israel Baharav                                     Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -8      by 1971
      -18         1975                          Sold to El Salvador
       -5                                   113 To IAF Museum
       -1                                       To Haifa Tech School
       -1                                       On display at Hatzor

 Dassault Mystere IV
       60         1955                          New
       -1    02-Nov-56                          Benny Peled                                        Egyptian AAA, pilot recovered
       -1    04-Dec-56                       61 Dan Gonen                                          Spin, pilot killed
       -1    21-Jan-57                       27 Dror Avneri                                        Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    11-Feb-57                       42 Jacob Gerber                                       Crash landing, pilot recovered
       -1    28-Feb-58                        8 Ram Ayali                                          Mid-air collision, pilot killed
       -1    03-Mar-58                       36 Yitzhak Cheffer                                    Maneuver, pilot killed
       -1    05-Jun-58                       74 David Huchman                                      Hit a ship in a sea-air training, pilot killed
       -1    22-Jan-59                       12 Yehuda Cohen                                       Spin, pilot recovered
       -1    03-Mar-59                       65 Eliezer Prigat                                     Mid-air collision, pilot recovered
       -1    03-Mar-59                       73 Shai Egozi                                         Mid-air collision, pilot recovered
       -1    14-Aug-59                       49 Danny Shoham                                       Hit the ground in a low level flight, Pilot killed
       -1    01-Jan-60                       13 Aharon Markman                                     Hit the ground in an IFR descent, pilot killed
       -1    14-Feb-60                                                                             Egyptian MiG-17
       -1    26-Jul-60                          Haim Niv                                           Mid-air collision, pilot recovered
       -1    12-Jul-61                       70 Joseph Chankin                                     Crash landing, pilot recovered
       -1    26-Oct-61                       51 Mal'achi Olitzki                                   Structural failure, pilot killed
       -1    06-Nov-61                       16 Shai Egozi                                         Crash, pilot killed
       -1    24-Nov-61                          Ezra "Babban" Dotan                                Spin, pilot recovered
       -1    22-Jun-62                       48 Nachshon Halperin                                  Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    05-Nov-63                       47 Israel Bar                                         Cannon explosion, pilot recovered
       -1    18-Jun-64                       95 Dan Belkin                                         Control loss, pilot killed
       -1    02-Nov-64                       50 Yitzchak Barzilai                                  Crash landing, pilot recovered
       -1    26-Jan-67                       72 Yitzchak Arazi                                     Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    07-Mar-67                       33 Mordechay Yoshpah                                  Crashed at takeoff, pilot killed
       -1    05-Jun-67                       45 Yonatan Shachr                                     Damage, pilot recovered
       -1    05-Jun-67                       94 Hanania Bula                                       RJAF Hunter (Saiful Azam PAF?), pilot killed
       -1    05-Jun-67                       83 Nachum Merchavi                                    Syrian AAA or MiG-17 (Zohair el Boawab), pilot PoW
       -1    05-Jun-67                       46 Jonathan Zorea                                     Syrian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    05-Jun-67                       69 Dan Manor                                          Egyptian MiG-21, pilot PoW
       -1    07-Jun-67                       63 Mario Shaked                                       Egyptian AAA, pilot recovered
       -1    07-Jun-67                       14 Asaf Ben-Nun                                       Syrian AAA, pilot recovered
       -1    07-Jun-67
       -1    08-Jun-67                                                                             Egyptan MiG-17F
       -1    15-Jul-67                          Uri Kiedar (Krupnik)                               Engine failure, pilot killed at ejection
       -1    21-Nov-67                       62 David Nevo                                         Jordanian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    28-May-69                       26 Haim Holtzman                                      Engine failure, pilot killed
       -1    04-Jun-70                       44 Zvi Kanor (Kantor)                                 Egyptian AAA, pilot recovered
       -1    03-Nov-70                       92 Amir Kidron                                        Night vertigo, pilot killed
       -3                                    10 To IAF Museum
       -1                                    29 To museum in Chile

 Dassault Super Mystere B2
        6    06-Dec-58                          New
       12         1959                          New
        6         1959                          New
       -1    04-Nov-59                       30 David Ivry                                         Lost in spin during combat with an Egyptian MiG-17, pilot recovered
        6       Mar-60                          Ex-Armee' de l'Air
        6       Jun-60                          Ex-Armee' de l'Air
       -1    29-Jun-60                       17 Shmuel Hetz                                        Mid-air collision with Super Mystere 16, pilot recovered
       -1    10-Nov-60                       20 Michael Ron                                        Lost in spin, pilot killed
       -1    10-Mar-63                       27                                                    Burnt out on ground
       -1    23-Oct-63                       63 Uri Shachar                                        Mechanical failure, pilot recovered
       -1    20-Nov-63                       62 Israel Lahav                                       Engine failure, pilot killed
       -1    07-Dec-64
       -1    30-Dec-65                       38 Yiftah Spector                                     Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    12-Jan-66                       24 Shamuel Gordon                                     Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    03-Mar-66                       14 Shimon Lavi                                        Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    22-Aug-66                       16 Betsalel Ofer                                      Fire, pilot recovered
       -1    18-Oct-66                       26 Shlomo Shapira                                     Bird strike, pilot recovered
        6         1967                          Ex-Armee' de l'Air
       -1    05-Jun-67                       40 Amiram Manor                                       Hit the ground in a low level dogfight with Egyptian MiG-21 (Hamdi), pilot killed
       -1    05-Jun-67                          Alexander Armon                                    Hit the ground in a low level dogfight with Egyptian MiGs, pilot killed
       -1    05-Jun-67                       05 Dan Engel                                          Egyptian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    05-Jun-67                          Dan Sigri                                          Syrian MiG-19 (Ghazy al-Wazwazy), pilot killed on capture
       -1    06-Jun-67                          Eli Zohar                                          Egyptian AAA or Su-7, piloted recovered
       -1    06-Jun-67                          Yair Barak                                         Egyptian AAA, pilot PoW
       -1    07-Jun-67                          Yigal Shochat                                      Egyptian MiG-17F, pilot recovered
       -1    09-Jun-67                       32 Shlomo Bet-On                                      Syrian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    10-Jun-67                          Ben-Zion Gaifman                                   Syrian AAA, pilot killed
       -1         1968                       24                                                    Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    29-Mar-68                          Yonachan Rozer                                     Jordanian AAA, pilot recovered
       -1    04-Dec-68                          Nadav Nehorai                                      Jordanian AAA, pilot killed on capture
       -1    31-Jul-70                                                                             Engine failure, pilot recovered
      -25      1969-72                          Converted with J-52 engines
       25      1969-72                          Converted with J-52 engines
       -1    01-Sep-72                          Yehuda Tamir                                       Engine cut, ejected but parachute would not open, Pilot killed
        1         1973                          Rebuilt from wreck, converted with J-52 engine
       -1    07-Oct-73                          Doron Smadar                                       Syrian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    07-Oct-73                          Itshak Kaidar                                      Egyptian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    07-Oct-73                       18 Aviram Cohen                                       Take-off accident, pilot recovered
       -1    07-Oct-73                          Eli Gor                                            Egyptian AAA, pilot PoW
       -1    11-Oct-73                          Lipsich                                            Syrian AAA, pilot recovered
       -1    17-Oct-73                          Hagai Tamir                                        Egyptian SAM, piloted recovered
       -1         1974                          Amiram Shaked                                      Mechanical failure, pilot recovered
      -16         1976                          Sold to Honduras
       -1                                    96 To IAF Museum

 Sud Aviation Vautour
       17         1957      IIA                 New
        4         1958     IIBR                 New
        7         1958      IIN                 New
       -1    21-Jul-59      IIA             22? Gideon Magen                                       Mid-air collision, pilot recovered
       -1    21-Jul-59      IIA             25? Gershon Hitzki                                     Mid-air collision, pilot killed
       -1    11-Jan-61      IIN              64 Shlomo Amiran/Micha Ramati                         Control problems, crew recovered
       -1    27-Mar-61     IIBR              37 Moshe Pepo                                         Loss of control, pilot killed
       -1    25-Jan-62      IIA              11 Amos Avni                                          Crash, pilot killed
       -1    22-Jul-62      IIA              23 No crew                                            Burnt out on ground (rocket exploded)
       -1    01-Nov-62      IIA              15 Shimon Zimon                                       Control problems, pilot recovered
       -1         1964      IIN              69 Returned to France
        1         1964      IIN              70 Exchange
       -1    05-Oct-64     IIBR              35 Yigal Yanai/Zvi Har-Nevo                           Engine failure, crew recovered
       -1    05-Jun-67      IIA              07 Avraham Vilan                                      Syrian AAA, pilot PoW
       -1    06-Jun-67      IIA              08 Giora Goren                                        Syrian AAA, pilot recovered
       -1    07-Jun-67      IIA              14 Yitzhak Glantz-Golan                               Iraqi Hunter (Saiful Azam PAF, Shourdom RJAF?, Salem IrAF?), pilot PoW
       -1    07-Jun-67      IIN              65 Shlomo Keren/Alexander Inbar-Meltzer               Iraqi Hunter (Saiful Azam PAF, Shourdom RJAF?, Salem IrAF?), crew killed
       -1    01-Dec-67     IIBR              31 Itshak Arzi/Elkhanan Raz                           Egyptian AAA, crew MIA
        1         1968      IIA              30 Ex-Armee' de l'Air
        1         1969      IIA              29 Ex-Armee' de l'Air
       -1    23-Apr-69      IIA              03 Naftali Porat                                      Jordanian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    05-Jul-69      IIN              61 Rodnitzky/Eli Tovel                                Take-off fire, crew recovered
       -1         1970      IIA              12 To Haifa Tech School
       -1         1971      IIA              29 To Kibbutz Kefar-Giladi
       -5         1971      IIA  05,18,20,21,30 Withdrawn
       -2         1971      IIN          62, 67 Withdrawn
       -1         1971      IIA              17 Decoy at Refidim
       -1         1972      IIN              66 Decoy at Refidim
       -1                   IIA              26 On display at Ramat David
       -1                   IIA              09 To IAF Museum
       -1                  IIBR              33 To IAF Museum
       -1                   IIN              70 To IAF Museum

 Dassault Mirage III
       70         1962    IIICJ                 New CJ
        2         1962   IIICRJ                 New CRJ
       -1    24-Mar-63    IIICJ              28 Reuven Harel                                       Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    11-Sep-63    IIICJ              17 Dan Sever                                          Engine exploded, pilot recovered
       -1    11-Nov-63    IIICJ              53 Ran Ronen (Pecker)                                 Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    11-Dec-63    IIICJ              05 Amos Amir                                          Engine failure after takeoff, pilot recovered
       -1    21-Dec-64    IIICJ              27 Michael Barazam                                    Fuel starvation following encounter with RJAF Hunters, pilot recovered
        1         1964    IIICJ              53 Recovered
       -1    29-Jun-65    IIICJ              10 Uri Shachar                                        Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    19-Oct-65    IIICJ              74 Ilan Hait                                          Right gear didn't got down, led to fuel exhaustion & ejection, pilot recovered
        3         1966    IIIBJ                 New
       -1    31-Mar-66    IIICJ              72 Itzhak Barzilay                                    Gun explosion led to turbine stall & engine cut, pilot recovered
       -1    24-Aug-66    IIICJ              22 Ya'acov Berman                                     Hit the ground in a low level flight, pilot killed
       -1    31-Jan-67    IIICJ              01 Tzur Ben Barak                                     Hit the ground due to vertigo, pilot killed
       -1    05-Jun-67    IIICJ              04 Yair Neuman                                        Egyptian MiG-21 (Nabil Shuwakri), pilot killed on capture
       -1    05-Jun-67    IIICJ              02 Meir Shachar                                       Syrian AAA/MiG-21, pilot killed
       -1    05-Jun-67    IIICJ              16 Amichai Shmueli                                    Syrian AAA/MiG-21, pilot recovered
       -1    05-Jun-67    IIICJ              42 Ehud Hankin                                        Flew into debris of downed Syrian MiG-21 pilot recovered
      -1?    06-Jun-67    IIICJ                 Shlomo Koren
      -1?    06-Jun-67    IIICJ                 Oded Sagee ?                                       Egyptian Su-7BMK (Muhammad Ali Khamis)
       -1    07-Jun-67    IIICJ              60 Gideon Dror                                        Iraqi Hunter (Shourdom RJAF?, Salem IrAF?), pilot PoW
       -1    07-Jun-67    IIICJ              84 Baruch David                                       Egyptian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    08-Jun-67    IIICJ              06 Benjamin Romach                                    Egyptian MiG-21 (Fakhry Elashmawy), pilot killed
       -1    08-Jun-67    IIICJ              09 Maoz Poraz                                         Fuel starvation after combat with Egyptian MiG-21, pilot recovered
       -1    10-Jun-67    IIICJ                 Shmuel Sheffer                                     Syrian AAA, pilot recovered
       -1    15-Jul-67    IIICJ              20 Shlomo Egozi                                       Egyptian MiG-21, pilot recovered
       -1    20-Sep-67    IIICJ                 Izhar Eshel                                        Autocommand system malfunction, pilot killed
       -1    25-Sep-67    IIICJ              26 Yuval Neeman                                       Engine fire, pilot recovered
        1         1968    IIIBJ                 New
      -1?    14-Apr-68    IIICJ              64
      -1?    01-Jul-68    IIICJ              08
      -1?    01-Jul-68    IIICJ              75
      -1?    03-Nov-68    IIICJ                                                                    Egyptian MiG-21 (Sami Marei?)
      -1?    14-Apr-69    IIICJ                                                                    Egyptian MiG-21FL (Samir Aziz Mikhail)
      -1?    19-May-69    IIICJ                                                                    Egyptian MiG-19 (Ashir Rami)
      -1?    21-May-69    IIICJ                                                                    Egyptian MiG-21 (Mani), pilot killed
      -1?    18-Jul-69    IIICJ
       -1    20-Jul-69    IIICJ              45 Eli Zohar                                          Egyptian MiG-21, pilot recovered
       -1    20-Jul-69    IIICJ              56 Eitan Ben-Eliyahu                                  Egyptian AAA or MiG-21, pilot recovered
       -1    11-Sep-69    IIICJ              18 Giora Rom                                          Egyptian MiG-21 (Samir Aziz Mikhail), pilot PoW
       -1    1969/1970    IIICJ              45 Avshalom Friedman                                  Training accident, pilot recovered
      -1?      by 1970    IIICJ                 Shmuel Hetz                                        Pilot recovered
       -1    02-Feb-70    IIICJ              26 Shlomo Weintraub (Navot)                           Syrian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    09-Feb-70    IIICJ              57 Avi Keldes                                         Egyptian MiG-21 (Urfan), pilot PoW
       -1    02-Mar-70    IIICJ              70 Itamar Noiner                                      Egyptian AAA, pilot recovered
      -1?    20-May-70    IIICJ              81
       -1    26-Jun-70    IIICJ              31 Boaz Eytan                                         Syrian MiG-21, pilot PoW
      -1?    27-Jun-70    IIICJ                                                                    Pilot died as PoW 10 days later
      -1?    03-Aug-70    IIICJ                                                                    Egyptian AAA or SAM
       -1       Oct-70    IIICJ              81 Avner Slapak
       -1    04-Mar-71    IIICJ              55 Yirmiyahu Keidar                                   Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    01-Oct-71    IIICJ              62 Sharul Keshet                                      Oscillations, pilot killed
      -1?    04-Nov-71    IIICJ         34? 41?
       -1    1971/1972    IIICJ                 Avi Lanir                                          Mid-air collision, pilot recovered
       -1    1971/1972    IIICJ                 Ya'acov Gal                                        Mid-air collision, pilot recovered
      -1?    02-May-72    IIICJ              15
       -1    09-Jan-73    IIICJ              68 Ran Meir                                           Low flying, crashed into Kinneret, pilot killed
       -1    21-May-73    IIICJ                 Avihu Patishi                                      Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    13-Sep-73    IIICJ              49 Yosi Simchoni                                      Syrian MiG-21 (al-Halabi), pilot recovered
      -1?    06-Oct-73    IIICJ                 "A"                                                Malfunction, pilot recovered
      -1?    07-Oct-73    IIICJ                 Eitan Carmi                                        Egyptian AAA or MiG-21, pilot recovered
      -1?    07-Oct-73    IIICJ                                                                    Syrian MiG-21FL (Sukes)?, pilot recovered
      -1?    07-Oct-73    IIICJ                                                                    Syrian MiG-21FL (Deebs)
       -1    07-Oct-73    IIICJ                 Ami Lahav                                          Syrian AAA or MiG-21 (Sarkees? Bassam Hamshu?), pilot killed
      -1?    08-Oct-73    IIICJ                 Oded Marom                                         Iraqi Hunter, pilot recovered
       -1    09-Oct-73    IIICJ              25 Zvi Vered                                          Syrian AAA, pilot PoW
       -1    10-Oct-73    IIICJ              78 Eitan Carmi                                        Syrian AAA, pilot recovered
      -1?    11-Oct-73    IIICJ                                                                    EAF MiG-21 (Mamdoch El-Malt)
       -1    12-Oct-73    IIICJ              85 Ami Rockach                                        Syrian SAM or MiG-21MF (Fayez Mansour), pilot PoW
       -1    13-Oct-73    IIICJ                 Avi Lanir                                          Syrian MiG-21, pilot killed after capture
       -1    17-Oct-73    IIICJ              14 Eliezer Adar                                       Fuel starvation following encounter with Syrian MiG-21, pilot recovered
      -1?    17-Oct-73    IIICJ                                                                    Egyptian MiG-21 (Ahmad Wafai)
      -1?    15-Apr-74    IIICJ              52
      -1?    26-Apr-74    IIICJ
       -1    06-May-74    IIICJ              99 Eitan Carmi                                        Syrian SAM, pilot recovered
      -1?    16-May-74    IIICJ
      -1?    06-Jun-74    IIICJ              99
       -1                 IIICJ                 Became Nesher prototype
      -1?    22-Oct-80    IIICJ              64
      -19         1982    IIICJ 03, 07, 19, 29, Sold to Argentina
                                30, 32, 33, 43, 50, 53, 58, 59, 66, 71, 76, 77, 79, 83, 98
       -3         1982    IIIBJ      86, 87, 89 Sold to Argentina
       -1                 IIICJ              44 On display at Hatzor
       -1                 IIICJ             111 To IAF Museum (as "159")
       -1                 IIIBJ             988 To IAF Museum
        1         2003    IIICJ             159 Returned from Argentina
       -1         2003    IIICJ             159 To IAF Museum (as "158")

 IAI Nesher/Dassault Mirage 5J
       51      1971-75        A 01, 02, 03, 05, New
                                06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31,
                                33, 34, 36, 61, 62, 65, 66, 71, 72, 73, 76, 78, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88, 92, 93, 98, 99
       10      1971-75        B  611, 617, 618, New
                                620, 622, 625, 627, 634, 637, 639, 649, 666, 688
       -1    01-Oct-71        A             562 Keshet Shaul                                       Pilot killed
       -1    19-Feb-73        A              91 Israel Baharav                                     Bird strike, pilot recovered
      -1?    06-Oct-73        A                                                                    Egyptian MiG-21
       -1    08-Oct-73        A              93 Eitan Carmi                                        Egyptian MiG-21, pilot recovered
       -1    10-Oct-73        A              06 Amos Shachar                                       Egyptian AAA fire, pilot recovered
       -1    16-Oct-73        A              36 Menachem Kashtan                                   Egyptian MiG-17, pilot killed
       -1    20-Oct-73        A              31 Mickey Katz                                        Egyptian MiG-21 (Dia el-Hefnawy), pilot recovered
       -1    21-Oct-73        A              76 Yehoshoa Sheffer                                   Egyptian MiG-21, pilot recovered
      -1?    24-Oct-73        A
       -1    06-Nov-73        A              18 Uri Parnas                                         Training accident, pilot killed
       -1    14-Dec-73        A              15 Nathan Shenk                                       Training accident, pilot killed
       -1    03-Feb-74        A              02 Yitzhak Nir                                        Left gear wouldn't extend, pilot recovered
       -1    16-Mar-74        A                 Shlomo Levi                                        Training accident, pilot recovered
       -1    25-May-75        A             588 "Raam"  Asaf Ben-Nun                               Spin, pilot recovered
       -1                     A             512 Kfir Prototype (as 712)
       -1    02-Mar-77        A                 Mordechay Ra'anan                                  Pilot killed
      -24         1978        A                 Argentina
       -2         1978        B                 Argentina
       -1    13-Jan-79        B             688                                                    Landing gear would not extend
       -1    20-Apr-79    IIICJ             578 Yaacov Gal-Oz                                      Pilot killed
      -11         1981        A                 Sold to Argentina
       -2         1981        B                 Sold to Argentina
       -5         1984        B  618, 620, 649, Sold to South Africa (as Cheetah D)
       -1                     A             501 To IAF Museum

 IAI Kfir
       36      1975-76       C1                 New
       98      1976-86       C2                 New
       31                    C7
       -1                    C1                 Menachem Shmul                                     Stall/spin in flight testing
       -1        75-79       C2                 Herzl Bodinger                                     Pilot recovered
       -1    03-Dec-75       C2                 Michael Tzuk                                       Engine failure while landing at Hatozr - crash landed, pilot killed
       -1    07-Aug-77       C2                 Doron Shalev                                       CFIT at low level navigation, Pilot killed
       -1    18-Dec-77       C2                 Yoseph Rozner                                      Engine failure at low altitude, pilot recovered
       -1    14-Apr-78       C1             701
       -1    05-Jun-79       C2                 Yiron Vendrov                                      Flew into ground, pilot killed
       -1    20-Oct-79       C2             744 K                                                  Bird strike while landing at Ramat David, pilot recovered
       -1    15-Apr-80       C2             703 Yonatan Hacohen                                    Engine failure, pilot killed
       -1    04-May-81       C2             836 Yoram Eytan                                        Hydraulic failure, pilot killed
       -1    10-Jul-81       C2                 Amiram Klaichman                                   Engine failure, pilot killed
       -1     Oct 1981       C2                 K                                                  Engine cut, pilot recovered
       -1                    C2                 To TC2 Prototype
        1                   TC2                 TC2 Prototype
       10      1981-86      TC2                 New
      -10         1982       C2                 Sold to Ecuador
       -2         1982      TC2                 Sold to Ecuador
       -1    21-Dec-82       C2                 Mickey                                             Engine failure
       -1    03-Mar-83      C2?                 Amal Zimmerman                                     Compressor stall from gun barrel explosion, pilot recovered
       -1    20-Nov-83       C2                 Miki Lev                                           Syrian AAA, pilot PoW in Lebanon (for one day)
       -1    07-Dec-83      C2?
      -25         1984       C1                 Withdrawn from use
       -1    05-Nov-85       C2             818 Eyal Sh.                                           Bad landing damaged gear, pilot recovered
      -12         1985       C1                 Leased to US Navy as F-21
      -13         1986       C1                 Leased to US Marine Corps as F-21
       -1       Aug-86       C2                 Yoram Peled                                        Engine failure, pilot recovered
       12         1988       C1                 Returned from US Navy
       13         1989       C1                 Returned from US Marine Corps
      -12         1989       C7                 Sold to Colombia
       -1         1989      TC7                 Sold to Colombia
       -1                    C7                 Sold to Colombia
       -1       Jul-90                                                                             Engine cut at takeoff, pilot recovered
                  1995    C2/C7                 Withdrawn from use
       -5         1996       C2                 Sold to Sri Lanka
       -1         1996      TC2                 Sold to Sri Lanka
       -2         1999       CE                 Sold to Ecuador
       -7                    CE                 Sold to Ecuador
       -8         2000       C7                 Sold to Sri Lanka
       -2                    C7                 Sold to Sri Lanka
      -38                 C2/C7                 Sold to South Africa as (Cheetah C)
      -12         2002      C10                 Leased to Brazil?
       -3         2002      TC7                 On lease in US
       -1                    C2             814 On display at Ramat David
       -1                    C1                 To IAF Museum
       -1                    C2             712 To IAF Museum
       -3                    C7   529, 451, 874 To IAF Museum
       -1                   TC2             310 To IAF Museum
       -1       Jul-04      TC2                 Sold to Sri Lanka

 MiG-15 Fagot
        1    31-Oct-56                          Captured in Sinai

 MiG-17 Fresco
        1         1965                          Landed by mistake in Northern Israel
        1       Jun-67                          Captured in Sinai
        2    12-Aug-68        F                 Landed by mistake in Northern Israel

 MiG-21 Fishbed
        1    16-Aug-66        F             007 Defected from Iraq

 MiG-23 Flogger
        1    11-Oct-89      MLD                 Defected from Syria

 A-4 Skyhawk
       48         1968     A-4H                 New
       -1    29-Jan-68     A-4H                 Ya'acov Agassi
       42         1969     A-4H                 New
       10         1969    TA-4H                 New
       -1    28-Jul-69                          Nissim Ashkenazi                                   Egyptian SAM, pilot PoW
       -1    13-Mar-69     A-4H              18 Shmuel Yadid                                       Pilot killed
       -2    19-Aug-69
       -1    09-Sep-69                          Hagai Ronen                                        Egyptian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    16-Jan-70                          Dov Peleg                                          Egyptian AAA or SAM, pilot killed
       -1    01-Mar-70                          Nadav Israeli                                      Hit the ground in night flight, Pilot killed
       -1    20-Jun-70                                                                             Egyptian MiG-21MF
       -1    03-Jul-70                          Avner Hadar (Horwitz)                              CFIT, Pilot killed
       60         1971     A-4E                 Ex-US Navy
       -1    02-Apr-71     A-4E             207 Uri Gadot                                          Engine loss, ejected above Tel Nof, pilot recovered
       -1    01-May-71                          Reuven Rot                                         Night vertigo, pilot killed
      117         1972     A-4N                 New
        4    1972-1973    TA-4F                 Ex-US Navy
       -1    03-Oct-73     A-4E                 Ami Goldshtein                                     Hit the ground in a low level flight, Pilot killed
       -1    06-Oct-73     A-4H                 Ehud Sadan                                         Egyptian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    06-Oct-73                          Matti Carp                                         Egyptian AAA, pilot recovered
       -1    06-Oct-73     A-4H                 Ishay Catziri                                      Egyptian SA-7, pilot PoW
       -1    06-Oct-73                          Yanki Yardeni                                      Syrian SAM, pilot recovered
       -1    06-Oct-73                          Eytan Hanan                                        Syrian SAM, pilot killed
       -1    06-Oct-73                          Gideon Sharon                                      Syrian SAM, pilot recovered
       -1    07-Oct-73     A-4H                 Libby Dollar                                       Egyptian SAM, Pilot killed
       -1    07-Oct-73                          Ze'ev Nesher                                       Syrian AAA/SAM, pilot PoW
       -1    07-Oct-73                          Zvi Horovitz                                       Syrian SAM, Pilot killed
       -1    07-Oct-73     A-4E             211 Amnon Shamir                                       Syrian AAA, pilot recovered
       -1    07-Oct-73                          Israel Rozenblum                                   Syrian AAA/SAM, Pilot killed
       -1    07-Oct-73                          Rafael Lev                                         Syrian SAM, pilot killed
       -1    07-Oct-73                          Moshe Astraicher                                   Egyptian AAA/SAM, Pilot killed
       -1    07-Oct-73                          Shimon Ash                                         Syrian SAM, pilot missing
       -1    07-Oct-73                          Levi Bar-Ziv                                       Egyptian SAM, Pilot killed
       -1    07-Oct-73                          Shai Avital                                        Egyptian SAM, Pilot killed
       -1    07-Oct-73                          Yoram Lapidot                                      Egyptian AA/SAM, pilot killed
       -1    08-Oct-73                          Zvi Rosen                                          Egyptian SAM, pilot PoW
       -1    08-Oct-73                          Zvi Bashan                                         Egyptian SAM, pilot killed
       -1    08-Oct-73     A-4H                 Gideon Ben Eliezer                                 Egyptian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    08-Oct-73                          ?                                                  Syrian SAM, pilot recovered
       -1    09-Oct-73                          Gideon Sharon                                      Syrian SAM, pilot recovered
       -1    09-Oct-73     A-4E             218 Lev "Zorik" Arlozor                                Pilot incapacitated and killed
       -1    09-Oct-73                          Mario Shaked                                       Egyptian SAM, pilot killed
       -1    09-Oct-73     A-4E             209 Ehud Shelach                                       Syrian SA3, pilot killed
       -1    09-Oct-73     A-4E             204 Yaniv Litany                                       Egyptian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    09-Oct-73     A-4E             821 Assaf Matos                                        Egyptian AAA, pilot PoW
       -1    09-Oct-73     A-4H                 Amon Gardi                                         Egyptian AAA, pilot PoW
       -1    09-Oct-73     A-4H                 Pedro Reinberg                                     Egyptian AAA, pilot PoW
       -1    10-Oct-73     A-4E             241 Noach Hertz                                        Syrian SAM, pilot PoW
       -1    10-Oct-73                          Yehuda Ben-Ari                                     Syrian SAM, pilot killed
       -1    11-Oct-73                          Itzhak Ofer                                        Syrian SAM, pilot killed
       -1    11-Oct-73                          Michael Shneider                                   Syrian SAM, pilot PoW
       -1    11-Oct-73     A-4H                 Amiram Guy                                         Syrian SAM, pilot PoW
       -1    12-Oct-73     A-4H                 Israel Baster-Bar                                  Syrian SAM or AAA, pilot killed
       -1    13-Oct-73                          Gavriel Garzon                                     Syrian SAM or AAA, pilot PoW
       -1    13-Oct-73     TA-4                 Ran Ofri\Yehuda Shefer                             Egyptian SAM, Ofri killed at ejection, Shefer recovered
       -1    15-Oct-73                          ?                                                  Syrian AAA, pilot recovered
       -1    15-Oct-73                          Gavriel Sa'ar                                      Syrian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    16-Oct-73                          Menachem Eyal                                      Egyptian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    16-Oct-73                          Maoz Poraz                                         Egyptian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    18-Oct-73     A-4H                 Gershon Reshef                                     Egyptian SAM, pilot killed
       -1    18-Oct-73     A-4H                 Gideon Sharon                                      Egyptian SAM, pilot PoW
       -1    18-Oct-73     A-4H                 Haim Gofen                                         Egyptian SAM, pilot recovered
       -1    18-Oct-73     A-4H              03 Jacob Kubik                                        Egyptian SAM, crew recovered
       -1    21-Oct-73                          Eitan Lahav                                        Syrian AAA, pilot killed
       -6       Oct-73
       30       Oct-73   A-4E/F                 Ex-US Navy
       16   Nov/Dec-73   A-4E/F                 Ex-US Navy
       17         1974    TA-4J                 Ex-US Navy
       -1    13-Jan-74     A-4E             875 Shaul                                              Collided with F-4E, pilot recovered
       -1    19-Apr-74                          Aryeh Dubnov                                       Syrian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    14-Jul-74                          Avraham Yakir                                      Night vertigo, pilot killed
       -1    28-Oct-74                      326 Yosef "Sefi" Levin                                 Bird strike, pilot killed
       -1    12-Nov-74     A-4N             347 David                                              Generator failure, pilot recovered
       -1    09-Jan-75     A-4E                 A                                                  Mid-air collision while formation training, pilot recovered
       -1    09-Jan-75    TA-4H                 Amos Aharonov/H.W                                  Mid-air collision while formation training, cadet recovered, instructor recovered
       -1    21-Jan-75                          Menachem Eliyahu                                   Left landing gear wouldn't go down & engine cut, pilot recovered
       -1    29-Feb-76                      315 Moshe Gerev                                        Collided with Fouga Magister, pilot killed
       -1    06-Jul-76                          Avraham Baharav                                    Night vertigo after TO from Hatzerim, pilot killed
       -1    17-Dec-76                      381 Simon                                              Pliot recovered
       -1    07-Feb-77                          Dov Cohen                                          Crashed at sea, pilot killed
       -1    08-Mar-77                          Shai Cohen                                         Pilot killed
       -1    24-Jun-77                          Avi Shani                                          Mid-air collision, pilot killed
       -1    11-Dec-77     A-4N             382 Yariv Gershoni                                     Engine cut, pilot recovered
       -1    04-Jun-78                      319 Uriel Bina                                         Collided with F-4E #680 in dogfight training, pilot killed
       -1    15-Jan-79                                                                             Bird ingested into engine, pilot recovered
       -1    14-Oct-79     A-4N             339 Lion Goldenberg                                    Pilot killed
      -14         1980     A-4E                 Sold to Indonesia
       -2         1980    TA-4H                 Sold to Indonesia
       -1    15-Jan-80     A-4N             388 Netanel Eldar                                      Pilot killed
       -1    18-Feb-80     A-4N             360 Yosef Gordon                                       Crashed into mountain while descending in clouds, pilot killed
       -1    18-Feb-80     A-4N             355 Eitan Erez                                         Crashed into mountain while descending in clouds, pilot killed
       -1    18-Dec-80     A-4E             879 Daniel Glazer                                      Vertigo while towing target, pilot killed
       -1         1981     A-4E                 Sold to Indonesia
       -1    04-Oct-81                          Eddi Lev                                           Mechanical failure, pilot killed (couldn't eject)
       -1    29-Apr-81     A-4N             348 Ilan G                                             Collided with another A-4 (safely landed), pilot recovered
      -16         1982     A-4E                 Sold to Indonesia
       -1    06-Jun-82                          Aharon Ahiaz                                       Palestinian AAA, pilot PoW
       -1     Nov 1982                      481 Amir/Kremer                                        Engine cut, Crew recovered
       -1    01-May-83     A-4N             374 Shraga                                             Mid-air collision with F-15D 975, pilot recovered
       -1    04-May-83     A-4N                 "Y"                                                Bird strike, pilot involuntarily ejected, but survived
       -1    05-Feb-84                          Danny Insler                                       Pilot killed
       -1    27-May-84    TA-4H                 Daniel Gury/Ilan Rozental                          Mechanical failure, crew killed at ejection
       -1    11-Jul-84                          Benyamin Wolfson                                   Probably vertigo, pilot killed
       -1    30-Aug-92     A-4N             323 Ram Dagan                                          Pilot killed
        3    1992-1994    TA-4J   747, 748, 749 Ex-US Navy                                         7 of 10 were rejected, delivered aircraft were 153672, 153500, 152853
       -1    27-Jul-98    TA-4H                                                                    Engine failure, crew recovered
       -1    15-Nov-98     A-4N             386                                                    Engine failure, pilot recovered
      -10      1998-99                          To target range
       -2                  A-4E        885, 891 To IAF Museum
       -1                  A-4F             611 To IAF Museum
       -4                  A-4H  222, 230, 261, To IAF Museum
       -2                  A-4N        230, 379 To IAF Museum
       -1                 TA-4J             747 To IAF Museum
       -1                                   328 On display at Ramat David
       -4         2000     A-4N   305, 335, 373 Sold to BAE Systems
       -2         2001    TA-4F        748, 749 Sold to ATSI in USA
       -1         2001    TA-4J             251 Sold to ATSI in USA
      -10         2001     A-4N  321, 344, 413, Sold to ATSI in USA
       -1    11-Feb-04     A-4N             396 "Y"                                                Inflight fire, pilot recovered

 F-4E Phantom II
        4    05-Sep-69     F-4E  01, 04, 08, 10 New                                                68-0396, 68-0397, 68-0398, 68-0399
        4    22-Oct-69     F-4E  15, 18, 20, 22 New                                                68-0414. 68-0415, 68-0416, 68-0417
       16         1969     F-4E                 New
       -1       Oct-69     F-4E
       -1    17-Nov-69     F-4E              04 Ehud Hankin/Shaul Levi                             Jordanian AAA, crew recovered
       -1    09-Dec-69     F-4E                                                                    Egyptian MiG-21F-13 (Ahmad Atif)
       44         1970     F-4E                 New
       -1    06-Mar-70     F-4E                 Ohad Shadmi/Natan Marom                            Training flight, crew killed (68-0502?)
       -1    02-Apr-70     F-4E              36 Gid'on Magen/Pini Nahmani                          Syrian MiG-21 (Bassam Hamshu), crew PoW (68-0487)
       -1    08-Jun-70     F-4E                                                                    Egyptian MiG-21 (Fakhry Elashmawy)
       -1    08-Jun-70     F-4E                                                                    Egyptian MiG-21 (Raeof Eldin)
       -1    30-Jun-70     F-4E             680 Yitzhak Peer/David Ya'ir                           Egyptian SAM, Peer PoW, Ya'ir recovered
       -1    30-Jun-70     F-4E                 Rami Harpaz/Eyal "Los" Ahikar                      Egyptian SAM, crew PoW
       -1    05-Jul-70     F-4E             129 Amos Zamir/Amos Levitov                            Egyptian SAM, crew PoW
       -1    18-Jul-70     F-4E                 Shmuel Hetz/Menachem Eini                          Egyptian SAM, Hetz killed, Eini PoW
       -1    03-Aug-70     F-4E                 Yigal Shochat/Moshe Goldwasser                     Egyptian SAM, crew PoW; Goldwasser killed as PoW
       12         1971     F-4E                 New
        6         1971    RF-4E                 New
       -1    23-Jun-72     F-4E             128 Aharon Arnon/Shimon Goldstein                      Spin, pilot killed (68-0545?)
       -1    23-Jun-72     F-4E             154 Aran Ramot/Nathan Peri                             Collided with above
       24         1972     F-4E                 New
       -1    27-Aug-73     F-4E                 Eli Hadomi/ ?                                      Malfunction at takeoff, crew recovered
       -1    06-Oct-73     F-4E                 Issaschar Naveh/David Silberman                    Egyptian SAM, crew killed in crash landing in Hatzerim
       -1    07-Oct-73     F-4E                 Ehud Hankin/Shaul Levi                             Syrian SAM, crew killed
       -1    07-Oct-73     F-4E             615 Gad Smoch/Avikam Lif                               Syrian SAM, Samok managed to land, Lif PoW
       -1    07-Oct-73     F-4E             177 Ami Elkelei/Shuki (Yehoshua) Wolfson               Syrian SAM, crew PoW (69-7242?)
       -1    07-Oct-73     F-4E             661 Chaim Ram/Itzik Yahav                              Syrian SAM, crew PoW (October 8?)
       -1    07-Oct-73     F-4E              92 Avi Barber/ Zvi Afik                               Syrian SAM, crew PoW
       -1    07-Oct-73     F-4E             645 Meir Shani/Avraham Asa'el                          Syrian SAM, crew PoW  (October 8?)
       -1    07-Oct-73     F-4E             621 Uri Shackak/Gil'ad Gerber                          Syrian SAM, crew PoW (October 8?)
       -1    07-Oct-73     F-4E               3 Eitan Levi/David                                   Syrian SAM, crew recovered
       -1    07-Oct-73     F-4E             682 Kobi Hayun/Uzi                                     Syrian SAM, crew ejected over Safed and recovered (October 8?)
       -1    07-Oct-73     F-4E                 Dvir/Refaeli                                       Crew rescued
       -1    07-Oct-73     F-4E                                                                    One crewmember rescued
       -1    07-Oct-73     F-4E                                                                    Crew rescued
       -1    08-Oct-73     F-4E             245 Zebulun Amitzi/Ze'ev Yogev                         Egyptian SAM crew killed (71-1781)
       -1    08-Oct-73     F-4E             247 Michael Dvir/Shabtai Ben-Shu'a                     Egyptian AAA, crew recovered
       -1    08-Oct-73     F-4E                 Uri Shani/Dror Jaffe                               Egyptian SAM, crew killed
       -1    08-Oct-73     F-4E      215 or 179 Yoram Peled/Boaz Lerner                            Crew recovered
       -1    08-Oct-73     F-4E                 Yahalom/Mor                                        Crew recovered
       -1    08-Oct-73     F-4E                 Yoram Shachar/Gur Israeli                          Syrian SAM, crew PoW
       -1    09-Oct-73     F-4E                 Dov Shafir/Yaaov Yaacobi                           Syrian SAM, Shafir killed, Yaacobi PoW
       -1    09-Oct-73     F-4E                 Aharon Sagi/Hazan                                  Crew recovered
       -1    09-Oct-73     F-4E             181 Harel Gilutz/Yosef Ye'ari                          Egyptian SAM crew rescued
       -1    11-Oct-73     F-4E             640 Kobi Hayun/ Uri Arad                               Egyptian MiG-21, crew PoW (68-0456?)
       -1    11-Oct-73     F-4E             673 Yonatan Ofir/Eran Cohen                            Egyptian MiG-21, Ofir killed on capture, Cohen killed (68-0525)
       -1    11-Oct-73     F-4E                 Arad/Israel Primor                                 AAA or SAM, crew PoW in Lebanon
       -1    11-Oct-73     F-4E                 Asher Snir/?                                       AAA or SAM, crew recovered
       -1    12-Oct-73     F-4E              90 Moshe Koren/Nimrod                                 Lebanese AAA, crew ejected over base and recovered
       -1    12-Oct-73     F-4E             151 Ran Goren/Micha Oren                               Egyptian MiG-21, crew recovered (71-0225)
       -1    13-Oct-73     F-4E             618 Ady Bnaya/David Ya'ir                              Syrian AAA, crew recovered
       -1    13-Oct-73     F-4E             697 Iftach Zemer/Itzhak Amitai                         Technical malfunction, crew recovered
       -1    14-Oct-73     F-4E                 David Zeit/Eli Tovel                               Egypt MiG (Qadri al-Hamid) or Hawk SAM, crew recovered
       -1    15-Oct-73     F-4E             176 Uri Bakal/Daniel Rosenblat                         Israeli Nesher (Yair Sela), crew recovered
       -1    15-Oct-73     F-4E                 Binyamin Livne/Rahamim Sofer                       Egyptian AAA or MiG, Livne PoW, Sofer dies as PoW
       -1    17-Oct-73     F-4E             620 Gad Smoch/Baruch Golan                             Egyptian SAM, crew killed (68-0416?)
       -1    18-Oct-73     F-4E             616 Guri Palter/Itzhak Bar'am                          Egyptian SAM, crew PoW (69-0294?)
       -1    18-Oct-73     F-4E             635 Doron Shalev/Yosef Lev-Ari                         Egyptian SAM, crew PoW (68-0437)
       -1    20-Oct-73     F-4E             231 David Zeit/Yoram Rubinstein                        Egyptian SAM, crew PoW (71-1789)
       -1    20-Oct-73     F-4E             142 Aharon Sagi/Moshe Barton                           Egyptian SAM, crew recovered
       -1    21-Oct-73     F-4E                 Yitamar Barne'a/Gil Haran                          Syrian MiG-21 (Al-Hamidi), Barne'a PoW, Haran killed on capture
       -6       Oct-73     F-4E                 Possible Write Offs
       -1    09-Nov-73    RF-4E             194 Gideon Shefer/Ofer Tsidon                          Egyptian SAM, Shefer PoW, Tsidon killed (69-7590)
       -1    22-Dec-73     F-4E                                                                    Egyptian MiG-21
       52       Oct-73     F-4E                 Ex-USAF
       -1         1974    RF-4E                 New ?
       10         1974     F-4E                 New ?
       -1    06-Apr-74     F-4E                                                                    Syrian SAM, crew PoW
       -1    19-Apr-74     F-4E                 Yigal Stavi/Benny Kiryati                          Syrian AAA or MiG-23MS (Al Masry), Stavi killed, Kiryati PoW
       -1    23-Oct-74     F-4E                                                                    69-7568
       10         1975     F-4E                 New ?
       -3         1975     F-4E        146, 167 F-4E conversion to RF-4E(S)                        69-7567, 69-7570 and 69-7576
        3         1975 RF-4E(S)   492, 498, 499 RF-4E(S) conversions
       -1    13-Mar-75     F-4E                 Refael Koren/Ilan Fein                             Fire caused by own flare, crew killed (69-7568)
       -1    01-Apr-75     F-4E                 Amos Alroi/Yehoar Gal                              Fuel tank collapsed & led to fire, Alroi killed, Gal recovered
       -1    29-Nov-75     F-4E                 ?/Ze'ev Beret                                      Spin, pilot recovered, navigator killed
       28         1976     F-4E                 New ?
       -1    11-Apr-76     F-4E                 Gideon Eli/Ze'ev Nashlasky                         Crew killed
        6         1977    RF-4E                 New ?
       -1    02-Feb-77     F-4E                 David Noy/Ilan Erster                              Hit by Israeli artillery shell, crew recovered (67-0326)
       -1    29-Dec-77     F-4E             305 Avshalom "Rom" Friedman/Avihu Acher                Mid-air collision, crew killed
       -1    29-Dec-77     F-4E             310 Rani Falk/?                                        Mid-air collision, crew recovered
       -1    07-Mar-78     F-4E                 Tzvi Pdut/Avi Cohen                                Fire on take-off, crew killed (73-1162)
       -1    04-Jun-78     F-4E           (6)09                                                    Collided with A-4 #319, Famous 7 kill aircraft (68-0470)
       -1    12-Mar-79     F-4E             273 Yoav Shpira/Eitan Amitai                           Dived into the sea, Crew killed
       -1    22-Apr-79     F-4E                 Ami Alkelay/Yaron Katz                             Vertigo, Crew killed
       -1    02-Jun-80     F-4E                 Yoram Bustan/Shlomo Bustan                         Plane landed on taxi runway, Bustan killed
       -1    20-Jan-81     F-4E             222 Dan Weiss/Eliezer Adar                             Collided with F-16A, pilot killed, navigator recovered
       -1    29-Apr-81     F-4E             265 Yaacov Scherf/?                                    Pilot recovered, navigator's parachute failed to open
       -1    11-Jul-82     F-4E                                                                    Syrian SAM
       -1    24-Jul-82     F-4E             183 Gil Fogel/Aharon Katz                              Syrian SAM, Fogel PoW, Katz killed at ejection (69-7590)
       -1    22-Jan-84     F-4E             139 Yair "Rachmo" Rachmilevitz/Sagi Reches             Wing tip folded, crew killed at ejection
       -1    12-Sep-84     F-4E                 Yuval Shemi/A                                      Mid-air collision, pilot killed
       -1    08-Jan-86     F-4E             110 Raviv Brimer/?                                     Technical malfunction, navigator ejected , pilot killed (seat stuck in safe position)
       -1    16-Oct-86     F-4E             309 Ishay Aviram/Ron Arad                              Bomb exploded on release, Aviram recovered, Arad PoW in Lebanon and later Iran (still missing)
       -1    15-Aug-88     F-4E                 Ofer Safra/?                                       Engine fire, crew recovered
       -2         1991     F-4E        304, 236 Kurnass 2000 conversion prototypes
        2         1991     F-4E        304, 236 Kurnass 2000 conversion prototypes
     -50?    1991-1992     F-4E                 Conversion to Kurnass 2000
      50?    1991-1992     F-4E                 Kurnass 2000 conversions
       -1    05-May-91     F-4E                 Yuval Glick/Moshe Leshem                           Wing tip hit Kinneret in a low level flight, crew killed (71-1071?)
       -1                  F-4E             680 Relik Shafir/?                                     Fire from electrical equipment, ejected near Tel Nof, crew recovered
      -24                  F-4E                 Stored at Ovda
      -43                  F-4E                 Stored at Hatzerim
       -1                  F-4E             144 On display at Ramat David
       -1                  F-4E                 To IAF Museum (Kurnass 2000)
       -1                 RF-4E             485 To IAF Museum
     Many                  F-4E  108, 111, 122, To IAF Museum
                                124, 127, 131, 134, 141, 148, 159, 170, 171, 187, 206, 208, 223, 225, 229, 277, 285, 297, 317, 322, 323, 327, 333
       -1       Jul-04     F-4E             614 To IAF Museum
       -1       Jul-04 RF-4E(S)             498 To IAF Museum

 F-15 Eagle
        4         1976    F-15A  620, 622, 644, Ex-USAF                                            Block 5 and 6 72-0116, 72-0117, 72-0118, 72-0120
       19         1977    F-15A  654, 658, 661, New                                                Block 17 and 18 76-1505 to 76-0123
                                663, 667, 669, 672, 673, 676, 678, 681, 684, 686, 689, 692, 693, 695, 696, 698
        2         1977    F-15B        404, 408 New                                                Block 16 76-1524, 76-1525
       -1    09-Sep-79    F-15A             676 Gay Golan                                          Crash landing, pilot killed, aircraft later repaired?
        9         1982    F-15C  802, 810, 812, New                                                Block 27, 28 and 29 80-0122 to 80-0130
                                818, 821, 828, 832, 840, 484
        6         1982    F-15D  450, 455, 957, New                                                Block 27 and 28 80-0131 to 80-0136
                                  965, 970, 979
        9         1983    F-15C  505, 519, 525, New                                                Block 35 and 36 83-0054 to 83-0062
                                530, 541, 552, 560, 575, 583
        2         1983    F-15D        223, 280 New                                                Block 35 83-0063, 83-0064
       -1    01-Apr-87    F-15D             223 Iftah More                                         Spin, pilot killed, navigator recovered
       -1    15-Aug-88    F-15A             672 Ram Caller                                         Mid-air collision, pilot killed at ejection
       -1    15-Aug-88    F-15A             684 Ehud Falk                                          Mid-air collision, pilot killed
       18         1991    F-15A  107, 304, 305, Ex-USAF                                            72-0114, 73-0087, 73-0093, 73-0094, 73-0098, 73-0101, 73-0102, 73-0104, 73-0105,
                                  393, 394, 398                                                    73-0107, 74-0085, 74-0089, 74-0093, 74-0097, 74-0101, 74-0107, 74-0125, 74-0126
        6         1991    F-15B   109, 111, 142 Ex-USAF                                            72-0109, 73-0110, 73-0111, 73-0112, 73-0113, 74-0137
                                       113, 137
       -1    10-Feb-91    F-15C             821 Israel Ornan                                       Pilot ejected, but drowned
        5         1992    F-15D 701, 703, 706,  New                                                90-0275 to 90-0279
                                714, 715, 733
       25         1998    F-15I         001-025 New                                                Block 56 and 57 94-0286 to 94-0306, 94-0500 to 94-0503
       -1    10-Aug-95    F-15D             965 Ronen Lev/Yaron Vivante                            Bird strike, crew killed
       -1    13-Jan-97    F-15B             137 Cfir/Yuval                                         Spin, crew recovered
       -1    01-Mar-98    F-15B             142 Uriel Kolton/Uri Manor                             Hit an antenna, crew killed
       -1    04-Aug-98 F-15A 12                                                                    74-0122 used for spares to rebuild damaged F-15A
       -1               F-15A 9             695 To IAF Museum                                      73-0098
       -1               F-15A 8                 To Haifa 2 SoTT                                    73-0093
       -1              F-15A 11                 Traveling Exhibit                                  73-0107
       -4                 F-15A                 Stored at LLEK                                     inc 74-0126
       -2                 F-15A               ? Display LLOV
       -1         1999  F-15B/D                 ?/?                                                Engine cut, crew recovered

 F-16 Fighting Falcon
       18      1980-81  F-16A 5  100, 102, 105, New
                                107, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 118, 121, 124, 126, 129, 131, 135, 138
       40      1980-81 F-16A 10  219, 220, 222, New
                                223, 225, 227, 228, 230, 232, 233, 234, 236, 237, 239, 240, 242, 243, 246
                                248, 249, 250, 252, 254, 255, 257, 258, 260, 261, 264, 265, 266, 267, 269,
                                272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 281
        9      1980-81 F-16A 15  282, 284, 285, New
                                287, 290, 292, 296, 298, 299
        8      1980-81  F-16B 5  001, 003, 004, New
                                006, 008, 010, 015, 017
       -1    20-Jan-81 F-16A 10             222 Ehud Ben Amitay                                    Mid-air collision with F-4E, Pilot killed
       -1    29-Jun-81                     008?
       -1    20-Nov-81 F-16A 10             257
       -1    20-Jan-82 F-16A 10             266 Ilan Ramon                                         Mid-air collision with F-16, pilot recovered
       -1    20-Jan-82 F-16A 10             276 Y                                                  Mid-air collision with F-16, pilot recovered
       -1    28-Aug-83 F-16A 10             227 Fredman Elen Dan
       -1    29-Jun-84  F-16B 5            008? Itzhak                                             Loss of control, pilot recovered
       -1    10-Feb-86 F-16A 10             240
       -1    03-Jul-86 F-16A 10             277 Yosef Elial                                        Hit the ground during aerobatic practice, pilot killed
       -1    12-Jul-86    F-16A                 Eyal Peled                                         Pilot recovered
       -1    08-Oct-86  F-16B 5             003 Gal Weisberg                                       Pilot killed
       -1    07-Dec-86 F-16A 10             225 Boaz Nehorai                                       Engine malfunction, pilot killed at landing
       -1    07-Dec-86 F-16A 10             225
       51      1987-88 F-16C 30    301,304,305, New
                                307, 309, 310, 313, 315, 317, 318, 321, 324, 326, 329, 332, 333, 337, 340
                                341, 344, 345, 348, 349, 350, 353, 355, 356, 359, 360, 364, 367, 368, 371
                                373, 374, 376, 377, 378, 381, 383, 384, 385, 386, 388, 389, 391, 392, 393,
                                394, 397, 398
       24      1987-88 F-16D 30  020, 022, 023, New
                                027, 031, 034, 036, 039, 041, 045, 046, 050, 055, 057, 061, 063, 069, 072,
                                074, 075, 077, 079, 083, 088
       -1    05-Oct-87  F-16A 5             121 Gil Ivry                                           Flew into mountain, pilot killed
       -1    18-Dec-88  F-16B 5             015 Rami                                               Bird strike, pilot recovered
       30         1991 F-16C 40   502, 503, 506 New
                                508, 511, 512, 514, 516, 519, 520, 522, 523, 525, 527, 528, 530, 531, 534,
                                535, 536, 538, 539, 542, 543, 546, 547, 551, 554, 557, 558
       30         1991 F-16D 40  601, 603, 606, New
                                610, 612, 615, 619, 621, 624, 628, 630, 633, 637, 638, 642, 647, 648, 651,
                                652, 656, 660, 664, 666, 667, 673, 676, 678, 682, 684, 687
       -1    21-Jul-94                      508
       -1       Aug-94 F-16C 40             508
       -1    05-Oct-94 F-16D 40             621
       36         1995 F-16A 10        750, 759 Ex-USAF
       14         1995 F-16B 10   986, 989, 996 Ex-USAF
       -1         1995 F-16A 10             750                                                    Ground fire at Hatzor?
       -1    17-Jan-95 F-16A 10             269 Danny Oberst                                       Mid-air collision, pilot killed
       -1    17-Jan-95 F-16A 15             290 "Y"                                                Mid-air collision, pilot recovered
       -1    18-Jul-95 F-16D 40             606 Ronny Shlomi/Yuval Binyamin                        Mid-air collision, crew killed
       -1    18-Jul-95 F-16D 40             660                                                    Mid-air collision
      -1?    29-Jul-96    F-16D
      -1?    29-Jul-96    F-16D
       -1    07-Sep-97  F-16B 5                 Ran/Eldar                                          Bird strike, crew recovered
       -1    09-Aug-98 F-16C 30             368                                                    Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    10-Aug-98    F-16C
       -1    28-Mar-99    F-16D             031                                                    Engine failure, crew recovered
      -1?    01-Jan-00  F-16B 5                                                                    Engine failure
       -1    06-Feb-00 F-16A 10             237                                                    Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    27-Mar-00 F-16D 30             077 Yonatan Begin/Lior Harari                          Crashed into sea, crew killed
       -1    01-Aug-00 F-16A 10             248                                                    Engine failure, pilot recovered
       -1    24-Feb-03 F-16C 30             310                                                    Engine failure, pilot recovered
      102    19-Feb-04 F-16I 52  119, 253, 401, On order
                                403, 404, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 413, 415, 417, 421, 422, 425, 427, 430, 432, 434, 437, 440, 444, 445
       -1    19-Jun-05 F-16A 15             729                                                    To Holtz tech school
       -1    19-Jul-06 F-16I 52                
       -1    13-Sep-09 F-16A                    Assaf Ramon                                        Crashed near Hebron during air combat training, crew killed
       -1    10-Nov-10 F-16I 52             480 Amichai Itkis/Emanuel Levy                         Crashed near Mitzpeh Ramon during air combat training, crew killed

| Fighters/Bombers | Transports | Trainers | Helicopters | Top |

 Douglas DC-3/C-47 Dakota
        8         1948                          Used - various origins
       -1    24-Oct-48                     S-82 Ze'ev Cantor/Fred Stevenson/Wiliam Fisher          Engine fire, crew (inc. RO & 1 psgs) killed
       -1    15-Dec-48                          End of leading
       -1    15-Jan-49                          End of leading
        7         1950                          Used - various origins
       -1    10-Jul-80                       36 Hagay Ofer/Shlomo Yitav/Yosef Nahir/Daniel Sananas Flew into mountain, crew killed
       -4         2000                          sold to private owners in US
       -6         2001                          sold to private holders in Canada
       -1         2000                          To Haifa Tech School
       -2    1999-2000                   4X-FNL To IAF Museum

 Douglas DC-4/C-54 Skymaster
        1       Mar-48                          On lease from American Overseas Airlines
        2    15-May-48    C-54D                 Ex-USAAF

 Douglas DC-5
        1       Jun-48                     1501
       -1         1955                          Scrapped

 Curtiss C-46 Commando
       10       Mar-48                          Ex-USAAF
       -1    14-Apr-48                          Bill Garson/Ernest King                            Take-off accident at Mexico City on delivery flight
       -1       Apr-48                                                                             Impounded on Rhodes
       -1    24-May-48                                                                             Crash landing in fog, navigator Moshe Rosenbaum killed
       -1    04-Jul-48                                                                             Fire during refueling
       -1    06-Mar-49                                                                             Crash on take-off, crew recovered

 Lockheed 049 Constellation/C-69
        3         1948      049                 Ex-USAAF
       -3       Apr-49      049                 Transferred to El Al

 Consolidated PBY-5 Catalina
        2       Feb-52   PBY-5A      3401, 3403 Ex-US Navy
        1       Apr-52   PBY-5A            3402 Ex-US Navy
       -2       Jan-55   PBY-5A      3401, 3403 Withdrawn
       -1       Feb-55   PBY-5A            3402 Withdrawn

 Lockheed 18 Lodestar
        1         1948    C-60A            2501 Ex-USAAF and RAAF
       -1         1949                          Withdrawn

 Noorduyn C-64A Norseman
        2    03-May-48              51, 52/0801 Ex-USAAF                                           44-70458, 44-70346
       -1    10-May-48                       51 Yariv Sheinbaum/Daniel Bukstein/+2                 Crashed on bombing flight
    +1/-1    20-May-48                          George Buerling                                    Take-off crash in Rome on delivery flight, crew killed (44-70262)
    +1/-1    24-May-48                          Bob Fine/Al Trop/Hugh Curtiss                      Landed in Egypt on delivery flight, crew PoW (44-70256)
    +1/-1    24-May-48                          Bill Malpine/Vic Weinberg                          Landed in Egypt on delivery flight, crew PoW (44-70506)
        1    24-Jun-48                  55/0804 Ex-USAAF                                           44-70498
        3    05-Aug-48          53/0802, 54/0803Ex-USAAF                                           43-35337, 44-70316, 44-70388
        1    05-Sep-48                  56/0805 Ex-USAAF                                           44-70284
       -1    27-Sep-48                                                                             Crashed on delivery flight in Montenegro mountains, Yugoslavia (43-35417)
       -1    30-Sep-48                  52/0801                                                    Crashed at Sdom
       -1    10-Nov-48                  54/0803                                                    Crashed at Sdom
       2?         1949                     0808 Ex-USAAF                                           44-70446?, 44-70337?
        2       Jul-49               0806, 0807 Ex-USAAF                                           44-70504, 44-70448
       -3         1954          0802, 0805, 0807To IAI
       -3                            0804, 0808 To Haifa Tech School
       -1                                  0806 To IAF Museum

 Fairchild 24 Argus
        3         1948                          From South Africa
        1         1948                          Captured from Egyptian smugger
       -1    04-Jun-48                          Mati Sukenic/David Shprinzak                       Egypt naval gunfire, crew killed
       -1    06-Jun-48                                                                             Bombs exploded on ground, crew killed
       -1    14-Aug-48                     B-33 Paltiel Makleff/Monti Goldberg                     Egyptian Spitfires, crew PoW

 Beech Bonanza
        2         1948      A35        B-41, 42 From South Africa
        1         1948
       -1    15-May-48                                                                             Destroyed on ground by Egyptian strafing
        3         2004      A36   301, 304, 309 New
        3       Jan-05      A36   313, 318, 324 New

 Beech 18
        2         1958   TC-45G    4X-ADQ, -ADS
       -2    17-Nov-63                          Returned to US

 de Havilland DH.89 Dragon Rapide
        1         1947                          Locally owned
        4         1948                          From Great Britian

 Republic RC-3 Seabee
        1         1947                       61 Locally owned
       -1    15-May-48                       61                                                    Destroyed on ground by Egyptian strafing

 Grumman G-44 Widgeon
        2       Jun-48                 B-72, 73 Donated
       -1    07-Dec-48                     B-73 Ralph Moster, Oliver Holton, Alvin Levin           Crashed in Lake Tiberius, pilot killed
       -1                                  B-72

 Miles Aerovan
        1       Jun-48                     B-71
       -1    17-Jul-48                     B-71 Murray Weissberg/Spencer Boyd                      Engine failure, Weissberg recovered, Boyd and passengers killed on capture

 Miles M.65 Gemini
        1       May-48

 Nord N.2501 Noratlas
        8    1955-1959                          New
       16    1962-1965                          Ex - Germany AF
       -1    29-Apr-64             044 / 4X-FAD Hagay Gilboa/Shlomo Tzlil                          Flew into mountain, crew (2P, 5N (inst. + cadets), 1 RO, 1 FM) killed
       -1         1967                          On ground                                          Jordanian Hunter, no crew
       -6         1976                          Sold to Greece?
       -2                                       To firefighters training aid
       -1                                       To paratroops memorial
       -1                                       To Haifa Tech School
       -3                                   055 To IAF Museum

 Boeing 377 Stratocruiser/C-97
        5         1963      377  010, 015, 096, Ex-Pan American
                                       097, 098
        8    1965-1973   KC-97G   030-037, 039, Ex-USAF
        1         1966   KC-97F             038 Ex-USAF
       -2    1965-1970 KC-97F/G        033, 038 Conversion to EW
        2    1965-1970 EC-97F/G        033, 038
       -1    25-Nov-70    KC-97             037                                                    Ground collision with 707, crew recovered
       -1    17-Sep-71    EC-97             033                                                    Egyptian SAM, Efraim Magen, Eliav Inbal, Yoram Hayat, Ze'ev Ofer, Amos Gay killed, Hanania Gazit recovered
       -1    14-May-72      377             010 Broken up for parts
       -1         1973      377             096 Broken up for parts
       -3         1975      377   015, 097, 098 Withdrawn
       -2         1975   KC-97G        030, 040 Withdrawn
       -1         1975   EC-97F             038 Withdrawn
       -2         1977   KC-97G        031, 032 Withdrawn
       -1         1977   KC-97G             039 To IAF Museum
       -1         1978   KC-97G             035 Withdrawn

 Piaggio P.149
        3         1968                          Bought from Uganda
                  1971                          Withdrawn

 Cessna 180
        2         1968

 Cessna U206 Super Skywagon
        5         1968    U206C   10, 11,13, 16 New
       20         1969    U206D 20?, 21, 22, 25,New
                                26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53
        5         1970    U206E 55, 57, 59, 60, New
        6         1984    U206G 63, 65, 69, 71, New
                                        75, 67?
       -1    12-Feb-74                          ?/Yitzhak Bar'am                                   Flew into mountain, navigator + 2 cadets killed, pilot + cadet recovered
       -1    04-Feb-87                       26 ?                                                  Lost in cloud & crashed into ground, crew & psgs recovered
       -1    13-Dec-90                      28? Ofer Zaharoni/Daniel Novogrodsky/Gideon Zakay      Mechanical failure & bad weather, 4 a/c & ops. Off. Killed
       -1    01-Feb-93                          Sold to Sky Club (sky diving club)
      -10            ?                                                                             Destroyed in various accidents - crews fate not known
       -2                                       To IAF Museum
      -21    8/95-3/97                          Sold to various foreign owners

 Socata 893 Rallye
        1         1966
       -1                                       Sold

 Socata TB-20 Trinidad
       22         1995           322, 327, 329,
                                331, 334, 337, 341, 343, 344, 347, 350, 351, 356, 358, 364, 366, 368, 370, 373, 384, 391, 393
       -1       Feb-03                      360

 Dornier 27Q
       35         1964
       -1    13-Oct-69                          Yonatan Shlei + 4                                  Israeli MIM-23 Hawk, crew killed
       -1    08-Mar-69                                                                             Egyptian SAM
       -1         1971
       -1    11-Oct-73                          Ya'acov Bitzor + 3                                 Syrian SAM, crew killed
       -1    17-Oct-73                                                                             Egyptian MiG-21PF, crew recovered
       -1         1976
       -2         1978
       -2         1980
      -19         1992                          Withdrawn
       -3                                       To IAF Museum
       -3                                       To Holtz College
       -1                                       To Haifa Tech School
      -12                                       Sold

 Dornier 28B-1
        9         1971           002, 003, 004, New
                                005, 006, 007, 009, 011
       13                       012, 013 or 014,
                                015, 016, 018, 020, 022, 024, 026, 028, 030, 032, 034
        2   Late 1980s                 041, 042 Bought from Les Douannes Francaise
       -1    25-Nov-80                      008
       -1    13-Jul-90                      032 Hagai Morri                                        Pilot committed suicide with plane - crashed at Golan heights
       -1                                   005 To IAF Museum
                2001-2                          Withdrawn

 Pilatus PC-6 Turbo-Porter
        1         1963       A1                 Prototype
        1         1968       H2
       -1                    A1                 To IAF Museum

 Britten-Norman BN-2A Islander
        2         1973                  001,004 Donated
       -2         1982                  001,004 To IAF Museum

 Lockheed C-130 Hercules
        2         1971   C-130H         102,306 New
       12       Oct-73   C-130E    301,304,305, Ex-USAF
        2         1974   C-130H         203,208 New
       -1    25-Nov-75   C-130H             203 Shaul Bustan/Uri Manor                             Flew into mountain, crew (2 P, 3 N, 1 FE) + 14 psgs killed
        4         1976   C-130H    427,428,436, New
        2         1976  KC-130H         420,435 New
        2         1976  KC-130H         522,545 New
       -1    12-Jan-87   C-130H             448                                                    Crashed in Negev
       -2         2000   C-130E         307,311 Sold to Fuerza Air Mexicana
       -2         2000   C-130E         301,312 Withdrawn and for sale

 IAI Arava
        1       Oct-73      201              03 Commandeered
        2       Oct-73      202           04,09 Commandeered
       -3         1974                 03,04,09 Returned
        3         1984      201        101, 303 New
        7         1984      202  203, 205, 209, New
                                211, 212, 215, 217
       -1         1633                      203 To IAF Museum
       -1         1633     101B             101 Sold
       -1         1633      201             303 Sold
       -6         1633            205, 209, 211 Withdrawn
                                212, 215, 217

 IAI Westwind
        2       Oct-73     1123   4X-JYF,4X-COL Commandeered
       -1                                       Converted to 1124N
        3                 1124N     927,929,931
       -1                  1123                 To IAF Museum

 Grumman OV-1D Mohawk
        2         1974                   4X-JRB Ex-US Army
       -1                                       Fire during maintanence
       -1                                       Returned to US Army

 Beech 80 Queen Air
       12         1974                  101-112 New
       -2                               104,110 To IAF Museum
      -10         2003                          Withdrawn

 Beech King Air
        4         1974     U-21                 Ex-US Army
        2         1980   RU-21A                 Ex-US Army
        5         1985   RC-12D  974, 977, 980, New
                                982, 985
        4         1990     B200   501, 504, 507 New
        2         1991   RC-12K        987, 990 New
        3         2000   B200CC   622, 625, 629 New
        2         2001   B200CC        633, 636 New
        3         2002    B200C   703, 709, 711 New
        3         2002   B200CT   842, 844, 848 New
        2         2003    B200C        714, 719 New
        3         2003    B200C   721, 730, 735 New
        2       Oct-04     B200        856, 859 New

 Grumman E-2C Hawkeye
        4         1978
       -4         1994                          Withdrawn from use
       -1                                   944 To IAF Museum
       -3         2002            941, 942, 946 Sold to Fuerza Air Mexicana

 Boeing 707
        2       Jan-72  707-120         001,009 Used
        1       Feb-72  707-120             008 Used
        1       Jan-74  707-120             006 Used
        2       Apr-75  707-120         004,007 Used
        1       Jun-77  707-320             128 As EC-707
        1       Oct-77  707-320             137 As RC-707
        1       Jan-78  707-320             140 As KC-707
        1       Mar-78  707-320             240 Used
        1       May-78  707-320             116 Used
        1       Jun-78  707-320             115 Used
       -2       Jul-78  707-120         004,009 Sold
        1       Aug-78  707-320             117 Used
        1       Sep-78  707-320             118 Used
       -1       Nov-78  707-120             007 Sold
        1       Dec-78  707-320             119 Used
       -1         1983  707-320             240 Withdrawn
        1       Jan-83  707-320             248 As KC-707
        1       Feb-83  707-320             246 As Phalcon
        1       Feb-83  707-320             242 As VC-707
       -1       Jun-83  707-120             008 To IAF Museum
       -1       Sep-83  707-120             006 Withdrawn, to Kfar Sirkin
        1       Feb-84  707-320             250 As KC-707
        1         1985  707-320             120 As RC-707
        1       Aug-88  707-320             255 Used
       -1       Jul-89  707-320             115 Withdrawn
        1       Aug-90  707-320             258 As EC-707
       -1         1993  707-320             118 Sold
        1       Jul-93  707-320             260 As KC-707
        1       Nov-93  707-320             264 Used
       -1       Nov-95  707-320             119 Burnt
       -1       Apr-96  707-320             116 To IAF Museum (as "103")
        1       Sep-96  707-320             272 As VC-707
       -1         1997  707-320             128 Withdrawn
       -1         1998  707-320             140 Scrapped
        1       Nov-99  707-320             275 As KC-707
       -1         2000  707-320             117 Withdrawn
       -1       May-00  707-120             001 Burnt
        1       Oct-00  707-320             290 As VC-707

| Fighters/Bombers | Transports | Trainers | Helicopters | Top |

        1       Nov-47 A
        2       Nov-47       BL

        2       Nov-47
       -1    15-May-48                                                                             Destroyed in Egyptian air attack

 Auster AOP.5 and J/1 Autocrat
       15       Nov-47    AOP.5
        5       Nov-47      J/1

 de Havilland DH.82 Tiger Moth
        2       Nov-47   DH.82C
       -2       May-48                                                                             Destroyed in action

 North American AT-6 Harvard
       10    02-Nov-48                  B-63-72 Ex-USAAF and RCAF
       -1    28-Dec-48                     1104                                                    Hung bomb exploded on landing, crew recovered
       25         1949    AT-6D                 Ex-Armee' de l'Air
       17         1949                          From Netherlands
       55         1953
       -1    24-Oct-50                          Yair Hatiba                                        Mid -air collision with another T-6, pilot killed
       -1    25-Dec-51                          Eliyahu Nakar/Moris Sidlin                         Crew killed
       -1    01-May-53                          David Abramson/Arnon Noll                          Flew into power lines during low level aerobatics, crew killed
       -1    31-Oct-56                          Moshe Ashel                                        Egyptian ground fire, pilot killed
       -1    31-Oct-56                                                                             Egyptian ground fire, pilot recovered
        2         1976                      001
       -4                           1194, 1195, To IAI
                                1178, 1179
       -3                                  1125 To Marom/Avitur
       -1                                  1165 To Ha'aretz Museum
       -1                                    48 Derelict at Tel Nof
       -1                                    10 To Haifa Tech School
       -2                                       To Holtz College
                                   001, 08, 10, To IAF Museum
                                14,24, 25, 39, 48, 54, 92, 102

 Vultee BT-13
        5         1947
       -1       Nov-56                       99

 Boeing Steaman PT-17 Kaydet
       20         1948                          Ex-USAAF
       20         1949                          Ex-USAAF
       -1    29-Oct-51                          Nathan Friedman                                    Low level aerobatics, pilot killed
        3         1955                          Ex-crop dusters
                  1962                          Withdrawn
       -1                                    31 To IAF Museum

 Piper Super Cub
       20         1948 PA-11-90       0401-0420
       -5         1948 PA-11-90     0407, 0408,                                                    Crashed
                                0409, 0415, 0418
       -2         1948 PA-11-90      0411, 0420                                                    Collided while taxying
       -1    28-Dec-48 PA-11-90            0404                                                    Egyptian Spitfire, crew killed
       -1    19-Jul-49                          Eliezer Feder                                      Crashed after TO from Aqaba, pilot killed
       -1    29-Jul-54 PA-11-90                                                                    Crashed while flying aerobatics
       -1    03-Sep-54                       03 Paul Langer/Gideon Reched                          Crew killed
       -1    06-Mar-56                          David Nevel                                        Pilot killed
       -1    30-Oct-56                          Binyamin Cahana                                    Shot down by EAF MiG-15
       -1    27-Nov-56                          Binyamin Gordon                                    Hit a mountain, pilot killed (+ a General as a passenger)
       -1    27-Apr-59                          Yossef Titinsky                                    Spin at low level flight, pilot killed
       -1    26-Jul-61                          Shlomo Rachamim                                    Pilot killed
       -1    23-Feb-62                          Nimrod Litback                                     Air turbolence, pilot killed
      100      1956-68 PA-18-150
       -2    05-Jun-67                                                                             Destroyed on ground by Jordanian Hunters
       -1    13-Jun-67                          Elisha Shiloni                                     Fire after TO, pilot killed
       -1    29-Oct-69                          Ze'ev Yuval/Rami Eden                              Mid-air collision with another Piper over Hatzerim, crew killed
       -1    29-Oct-69                          ?/?                                                Mid-air collision with another Piper over Hatzerim, crew recovered
       -1    11-Oct-70                          Doron Gavish                                       Crash landing, pilot & psgr killed
       -1    25-Aug-76                          Mordechai Lavon/Avraham Mehalel                    Crew killed
       -1                                   058 To IAF Museum
       -1                                   071 To Haifa Tech School
       -3                         004, 011, 055 To Holtz College
                  2002                          Withdrawn

 de Havilland Canada DHC-1 Chipmunk
        1       May-49

 Temco Buckaroo
        5         1954

 Nord N.1203/II Norecrin
        2         1948               B-45, B-46
       -2         1951                          Given to Israeli Aviation Club

 Fokker S.11 Instructor
       40       Dec-49
      -10         1954                          Withdrawn

 Yak-11 Moose
        1    19-Jan-61                          Defected from Egypt

 Heliopolis Gomhouria (Bucker 181 Bestmann)
        1                                       Defected from Egypt

 Grob 120AI
       27         2002

 Fouga CM.170 Magister
        1         1960                      285 Ex-Armee' de l'Air
        2         1960                          IAI assembled
       16         1961                          From France - IAI assembled?
       16         1961           15, 16, 17, 18 Kits from Germany - IAI assembled
       11         1961           037, 042, 109, Ex-Luftwaffe
       -1         1962                          ?/?                                                Crashed into the Sea of Galilee
       -1    06-May-62                       60 Mordechay Nave-Yakir/Oded Coton                    Hit Sea of Galilee in a low level flight, crew killed
       -1    21-Apr-63                       73 Aharon Segal/Gideon Bar Sade                       Bomb exploded under wing, crew killed
       -1    21-Apr-63                       76 Avi Lanir/Meir Zeitel                              Mid-air collision, Lanir recovered, Zeitel killed
      -12         1964                          Uganda
       -1    25-May-65                       34 Ra'anan David (Didi)                               Spin at first solo, pilot killed
       13         1966           038, 040, 045, Ex-Luftwaffe
                                048, 050
       -1    19-Jan-66                       71 Elisha Friedman-Peri/Ruddi Levi                    Uncontrolled spin, crew recovered
       -1    27-Dec-66                       10 Yitzhek Hershkovitz/Yitzhak Noiman                 Hit the ground in a low level flight, crew killed
       24         1967           093, 095, 103, Ex-Luftwaffe
                                125,129, 152, 153, 154, 157, 163, 168, 170, 194, 197, 199
       -1    22-Jan-67                       46
       -1    05-Jun-67                          Refael Elisha                                      Egyptian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    05-Jun-67                          Shabtai Ben-Aharon                                 Jordanian AAA, pilot killed on capture
       -1    05-Jun-67                      108 Arnon Livnat                                       Egyptian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    05-Jun-67                          Matityahu Birenbaum                                Egyptian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    06-Jun-67                          Dan Giv'on                                         Jordanian AAA, pilot killed
       -1    09-Jun-67                          Arie Ben Or (Orbach)                               Syrian AAA, pilot killed
       11         1968           058, 088, 101, Ex-Luftwaffe
                                102, 116
       29         1968                 105, 111 Ex-Luftwaffe
       -1    04-Jun-68                       56 Dan Peled/Daniel Sharon                            Flat spin, crew killed
       11         1969                      122 Ex-Luftwaffe
       -1    24-Feb-69                       82 Moshe Teiman                                       Crashed in a formation training flight, pilot killed
       -1    24-Feb-69                          Achihu Ben Naftaly                                 Crashed in a formation training flight, pilot killed
       -1    14-Mar-69                        2 Moshe Hamermash                                    Crashed in the aerobatic team training, pilot killed
       -1         1970                          Moshe Koren/Cadet                                  Engine fire, crew recovered
       -1    01-Jan-70                       91 Michael Ya'akov/Ya'acov Fridman                    Landed before runway, crew killed
       -1    15-Apr-73                       92 Arie Afik/Lahat (Gertzberg) Ira                    Hit electrical cables, crew killed
       -1    04-Sep-74                       36 Yonatan Shomroni                                   Stalled at El Arish final, pilot killed
       -1         1974                          Doron Shalev/?                                     Engine fire, crew recovered
       -1     May 1974                          Dudi L                                             Stall & spin,pilot recovered
       -1    18-Dec-74                       86 Yosef Hirch/Shmuel Vodislavsky                     Night vertigo, crew killed
       -1         1974                          ?/Ilan Ramon                                       Control problems, crew recovered
       -9         1975                          El Salvador
       -1    29-Feb-76                      104 Menachem Shneider/Avraham Ashkenazi                Collided with A-4, crew killed
        6         1976                          Uganda
       -1    03-Aug-79                      151 Noam Feldman                                       Crashed between taxiway & runway, pilot killed
      -25         1980                          Conversion to Tzukits (IAI assembled)
      -61         1980                          Conversion to Tzukits (ex-Luftwaffe)
       86         1980                          Conversion to Tzukits
       -1    15-Feb-80                       38 Uri Salomon/Tal Tzuri                              Flew into mountain due to vertigo, crew killed
       -1    28-Sep-80                      187 Dan Eisenberg/cadet                                While low level flying above the Dead sea hit the water, Eisenberg killed, cadet recovered
       -1      Dec1986                          Gideon S                                           Stall ,pilot recovered
       -3                         184, 607, 630 To IAF Museum

 Airspeed Consul/Oxford
        1       Mar-49   Consul            2801
        2       May-49   Consul          2802-3
        1       Jul-49   Consul            2804
        2       Aug-49   Consul          2805-6
        2       Oct-49   Consul          2807-8
        2       Apr-50   Consul         2809-10
        1       May-51   Consul            2811
        1       Dec-51   Oxford            2812
       -1         1952   Consul            2802 Withdrawn
        2       May-52   Oxford         2813,14
        1       Jul-52   Oxford            2815
       -1    29-Dec-53   Oxford            2813 Shimon Ash/Amos Dvir                               Take-off accident, crew recovered
       -1       Jun-54   Consul            2803                                                    Written-off
       -7         1956   Consul  2801,04,07,08, Withdrawn
       -3         1956   Oxford      2812,14,15 Withdrawn

 Avron Anson
        2       Mar-49                  2901,02                                                    After one year's internment in Rhodes
        1       Nov-49                     2903
        1       Jan-50                     2904
        1       Apr-50                     2905
        1       May-50                     2906
       -1         1951                     2901 Withdrawn
        1       Apr-53                     2907
        2       May-53                  2908,09
       -1         1956                     2909 Withdrawn
       -7         1956          2902,03,04,05,  Withdrawn

| Fighters/Bombers | Transports | Trainers | Helicopters | Top |

 Sikorsky S-55
        6         1957

 Sikorsky S-58
        7         1958    S-58B  11, 12, 13, 15 New
       24         1959   CH-34A 05, 07, 16, 18, Ex-Marineflieger
                                40, 41, 42, 49
       -1    01-Feb-62    S-58B              12
       -1    06-Jul-64                       01 Amram Zacharia/Shlomo Sapir                        While carrying sling load, load hit main rotor & led to crash, crew killed
       -1                                    07 To IAF Museum

 Sikorsky S-65
       25         1969   S65C-3                 New
       -1    08-Jul-71                          David Tamir/Yechiel Amit                           Dived into sea off northern Sinai, near Yamit, crew + 8 psgs killed
       -1     Aug 1971                          Nechemia Dagan/Sh                                  While catching UAV, parachute caught caught and damaged rotor, crew recovered
       -1    11-Oct-73                          David Magal/El'azar Nachlon                        Egyptian SAM, 5 crewman killed, 2 ejected
       -1    24-Oct-73                          Meiron Granot/Ofer Ayali                           Egyptian AAA or SAM, crew + dozen of wounded soldiers killed
   6 or 8         1973   CH-53A                 Ex-USMC
       -1    19-Apr-74                          Michael Nir/Yitzhak Tapuchi                        Collision at landing on Mahanayim landing strip, crew + 6 psgs killed
       -1    19-Apr-74                          ?/?                                                Collision at landing on Mahanayim landing strip, crew recovered
        1         1976                          The above - recovered
       -1    10-May-77                      360 Moshe Vitner/Hanoch Perlman                        Flew into hill on West Bank, crew + 54 psgs (inc. 7 more a/c) killed
       -1    17-May-77                          Israel Cohen/Tamir Ya'ari                          Main rotor loss, crew killed
       -1    20-Nov-77                          Harel Alterman/Yaron Safra                         Crew killed
       -1    15-Jul-79                          Shlomo Shalit/Amotz Peri/Hanan Natal               Crew  killed
        2         1981   S-65Oe                 Ex-Austrian AF
       -1    27-Aug-84                                                                             Collision with a mountain while trying to land near Maale Adumin (one killed)
       -1    06-Jun-85                                                                             Vertigo during night operation in Golan Heights, 1 fatality, 34 injured
       -1    29-Dec-88                          Mordechay Sharon/Yoav Naor                         Heavy cargo lift problems while en route to Mount Sagi, pilot killed, other crew recovered
       -1    22-Apr-90                          Shay Tzfoni/Ilan Kaufman                           Mid-air collision during a training exercise near Maale Ephraim and Mavo Shilo, crew (inc. flight mechanic) killed
       -1    22-Apr-90                          Hagay Koshet/Nimrod Paschi                         Mid-air collision during a training exercise near Maale Ephraim and Mavo Shilo, crew (inc. 2 flight mechanics) killed
        6         1990   CH-53A                 Ex-USMC
        4       Jul-91   CH-53A                 Ex-USMC
        2       Sep-92   CH-53A                 Ex-USMC
        2       Dec-92   CH-53A                 Ex-USMC
        4       Mar-93   CH-53A                 Ex-USMC
       -1    31-Mar-96   S-65Oe              66 Eyal Geller/Ofer Shwartz                           Crash soon after take-off in the Judean desert, crew  + 5 psgs killed
       -1    04-Feb-97                      903 Avishay Levi/Israel Hoshani                        Mid-air collision in darkness at the remote She?ar Yeshuv kibbutz in the Galilee panhandle, crew + 33 psgs killed
       -1    04-Feb-97                      357 Yasis Eden/Ronen Halfon                            Mid-air collision in darkness at the remote She?ar Yeshuv kibbutz in the Galilee panhandle, crew + 34 psgs killed
       -1         2001   CH-53A             471                                                    To IAF Museum
       -1    11-Aug-06                                                                             Hit by anti-tank missile in Southern Lebanon, crew of 5 killed, including female crew chief
       -1    26-Jul-10   S65C-3             046 Avner Goldman/Daniel Shipenbauer/Yahel Keshet      Crashed during training in Romania, crew of four pilots, two flight engineers and one Romanian observer killed
                                                Lior Shai/Nir Lakrif/Oren Cohen

 Sikorsky S-70 Black Hawk
       10         1994   UH-60A  601, 605, 607, Ex-US Army
                                610, 621, 624, 629, 635, 638, 641
       15         1998   UH-60L  908, 912, 914, New
                                916, 920, 922, 925, 927, 930, 932, 934, 937, 940, 945, 956
       24         2002   UH-60L  503, 511, 515, New
                                517, 522, 528, 533, 536, 539, 542, 547, 550, 553, 555, 559, 562, 565, 567, 571, 575, 580, 582, 585, 587

 Aerospatiale Alouette II
        1    25-Jul-57  SE.313B              03 Donated
        3       Jan-61  SE.313B        06,08,09 Ex Arkia-Aliza heli-airline
       -1    16-Mar-62  SE.313B              09                                                    Crash in Kinneret
       -1    23-Apr-64  SE.313B              08 Yoav Bar-Lev/Joseph Shachar/Two Trainees           Crashed during training flight; both instructors killed and both cadets heavily injured
        3       Dec-67  SE.313B              07 Used
        1       Jan-68  SE.313B              17 Ex Sabena
        2       May-68  SA.318C                 Ex German
        1       Jun-68  SA.318C                 Ex Belgian
       -1         1970  SA.318C                                                                    Accident
       -1         1970  SA.318C                                                                    Accident
        4         1970  SA.318C                 New from weapons dealer
       -9         1975                 06,18,20 Withdrawn, some sold in Switzerland, Italy and Belgium
        2         1977  SE.313B           03,07 Returned to service
       -2               SE.313B           03,07 To IAF Museum
       -2                           05,10,12,19 Stored at IAF Museum
       -1                                    21 To Haifa Tech School
       -1                                       To Tech School
       -1                                       Exhibited at entrance to Sde Dov

 Aerospatiale Super Frelon
        6         1967 SA.321Ka
        6         1967 SA.321Kb
       -1    25-Dec-68
       -1    27-Apr-74                          Amir Amit/Levi Golan                               Syrian AAA, crew + 3 psgs killed
       -1    01-Jul-80                                                                             Rebuilt?
       -1    15-Aug-84                          ?/Nof Erez                                         Crashed in Judea  desert, one passenger killed
       -7    31-Dec-96                      020 To IAF Museum
       -1    31-May-97                          To Haifa Tech School

 Aerospatiale Gazelle
        2         1982  SA.342L                 Captured from Syria
       -1               SA.342L                 Sold
       -1               SA.342L                 To IAF Museum

 Aerospatiale/Eurocopter Dauphin
        2         1985   HH-65A         901,905 New
       -1    16-Sep-96   HH-65A             905 Ben Tsion Bachar/Shachak Sela                      Night vertigo led to crash in sea, crew killed, Navy officer MIA
        5         1996  EC565SA  882, 885, 889, New
                                891, 895

 Hiller 360
        1       May-51      360                 Prototype
        1       May-51   UH-12B
       -1       Apr-54                                                                             Crashed while filming movie
       -1         1959                          Withdrawn
        1       Jun-67      E.4            3302 Captured in Sinai
       -1        1978?      E.4                 Returned to Egypt

 Mil Mi-8 Hip
        1       Oct-73                          Captured in Sinai

 Bell 47
        6       Sep-65      47G                 Ex-French Army
        7       Sep-65  AB 47G2                 Ex-French Army
       -1    02-Nov-67      47G               2 Rami Gil/Ya'acov Israeli                           Main rotor loss, crew killed
       12       Jan-68                          Sold abroad

 Bell 205
       20      1967-68  AB.205A          02, 09 New
        6         1968     205A                 New
       20      1969-70  205A-1A                 New
       -1    08-Feb-72                          ?/M/Ofer Margalit                                  Engine malfunction while foreced landing training, Margalit killed, other pilot & instructor recovered
       -1    07-Oct-73
       -1    11-Oct-73                       77 Avraham HaCohen/Gadi Klein                         Syrian AAA or MiG-21 (Bassam Hamshu) while searching for downed pilot, Klein killed, other crew + psgs recovered
       -1    17-Oct-73                          Max Marom-Manning/Ra'anan Elran                    Egyptian AAA while searching for downed pilot, Ra'anan Elran PoW, other crew (Max Marom-Manning, Avraham Sharon, Dr. Reuven Sokolovsky and M
       -1    18-Oct-73
       -1    26-Oct-73
       -1    29-Sep-74                          David Alon-Anidger/?                               Hit electrical cables near Ein Yahav, pilot killed, crew recovered
      -12         1978  AB.205A                 Sold to Rhodesia
       -6         1978  205A-1A                 Sold to Panama
       -6         1978     205A                 Sold to civil operators
       -2         1980  205A-1A                 Sold to Brazil
       -5         1980  AB.205A                 Sold to Brazil
       -1         1981  AB.205A              02 To IAF Museum

 Bell 206
        2         1971  AB.206A        101, 102
       10   12/78-4/79     206B   151, 153, 155 New
                                157, 159, 161, 163, 165, 167, 169
       14   7/71-12/73  AB.206B      12, 19, 22 New
                                25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 34, 40, 57, 65, 78
       23      1974-75   OH-58A         123-145 New
       -1    17-Nov-74
       -1    08-Nov-77   OH-58A             131
       -1         1977   OH-58A             141
        1         1981  AB.206B                 Ex-Austrian OE-DXL
        6         1984    206LR   201, 203, 205 New
                                207, 210, 213
       -1    26-Aug-92
       -1    12-Jan-94                          Ofri Yoeli/Assaf Asher                             Hit Antenna in the CENTCOM HQ, crew + 2 psgs (inc. Lt. Gen., CENTCOM co.) killed
       -1    31-Aug-98
       -1    15-Aug-02     206A             009                                                    Heavily damaged in autorotation landing.  Repaired?
       -1    22-May-03   OH-58A             134
      -10       Dec-03     206B     151,153,155 For Sale
       -4       Dec-03    206LR   201, 203, 205 For Sale
       -2       Aug-04     206L        207, 210 Transferred to police force

 Bell 209 Cobra
        6         1975    AH-1G                 New?
        6                 AH-1G                 New?
       18                 AH-1Q                 New?
        6                 AH-1E                 Ex-US Army
       28         1981    AH-1F                 Ex-US Army
       -1    05-Jun-82                      337 Yossi Keller/Amichay Spector                       PLO AAA, crew killed
       -1    21-Oct-85                      389 ?/?                                                Hit Sea of Kinneret in a low level flight, crew recovered
       -1    18-Mar-87                      239 Tzion Bar-Or/Yuval Wagner                          Main rotor loss, Bar-Or killed, Wagner paralyzed
        1    19-Oct-89                      489 The above - recovered
        8         1996                          Ex-US Army                                         For spares (6 of 14 were rejected)
       -1    15-Mar-98                      489 Shmuel Eldar/Ilan Gur                              Tail loss, crew killed
       15         2001    AH-1E                 Ex-US Army                                         For spares
       -1                 AH-1G              15 To IAF Museum

 Bell 212
       12         1975      212                 New
       46                AB.212                 New
       -1    17-Feb-82                       41 Eyal Peres/Avraham Yerushalmi                      Hit a mountaim while field landing at night
       -1    06-Jun-82                          Eliezer Si'on-Wolf/Israel Shechter                 PLO AAA, crew (inc. Flt Mech+ Medevac) killed
       -1    16-Jun-82                          Uri Ben Shmuel/Ron Messrer                         Hit electrical cables on Lebanon, crew (inc. Flt, Mech.) killed
       -1    24-Sep-84                          Ilan Itzhack/Avner Efrati                          Lost one engine in a hot day, crashed while trying to climb; Flt crew (2P+Flt. Mech.) killed, 2 psgs killed, 4 recovered
       -1    21-Sep-85                                                                             Shot down over southern Lebanon
       -1    07-Jan-92                       50 Shmuel Grin/R.M                                    Hit the sea while low level "Baz" over INS, 1 Medevac killed, Flt crew + Medevac recovered
       -1    06-Dec-94                          Shmuel Ben Gershon/?                               Crashed in a load lift test flight, Ben Gershon & Flt. Mech killed, copilot recovered
       -1                                       Sold to Argentine Air Force
       -2                                       Sold to Angola
       -4                                       Sold to Panama
       -1       Apr-96                       26 To IAF Museum
       -1       Aug-97                       29 To Haifa Tech School
       -6       Feb-98              45, 51, 58, Sold to Israeli commercial operators
                                67, 68, 69
       -6       Jun-05           10, 54, 61, 62 Sold to Angola
      -24         2002               14, 16, 20 Withdrawn
                                20, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 55, 56, 64, 66, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75

 Hughes 500
       30      1979-80     500D                 New
       -1    08-Oct-80     500D             211 Yuval Gadisj/Ofer Berman                           Hit electrical Cables near Modi'in, crew killed
       -1    15-Jun-82     500D             213 Harel Halamish/G                                   Syrian tank, crew recovered
       -1    07-Nov-83     500D             226
       -1    12-Nov-84     500D             201
        6    02-Jun-85     500E                 New
       -1    07-Nov-88     500E             932
       -1    06-May-91     500D             224
       -1    20-Jun-94     500D             202
       -1            ?     500D             214
       -1            ?     500D             216
       -1            ?     500D             210 On display at Ramat David
       -1       1998 ?     500D             204 To IAF Museum
      -15    15-Sep-01     500D                 Sold to foreign country
       -5    15-Sep-01     500E                 Sold to foreign country

 Hughes Helicopters/McDonnell Douglas/Boeing AH-64 Apache
       18         1990   AH-64A  801, 804, 806, New                                                89-0194 to 89-0200, 89-0206, 89-0207, 89-0212, 89-0213, 89-0218,
                                809, 812, 815, 819, 820, 822, 825, 828, 830, 832, 834, 837, 840, 8489-0219, 89-0224, 89-0225, 89-0230, 89-0231, 89-0236, 89-0237
       24         1993   AH-64A  902, 905, 907, Ex-US Army                                         84-24219, 84-24252, 84-24263, 84-24269, 84-24270, 84-24288, 84-24292
                                910, 914, 917, 921, 924, 929, 931, 935, 938, 941, 944, 947, 950, 9584-24294, 84-24302, 84-24351, 84-24452
                                959, 961, 964, 966, 967, 970
       -1         2000   AH-64A             950 To prototype upgrade to AH-64D                     84-24302
        1         2000   AH-64D             950
        1         2003   AH-64D             716
        8         2003   AH-64D                 New on order
       -2    20-Jul-06   AH-64A                                                                    Mid-air collison, Ran Yehoshua Kochava killed, three crewmembers recovered
       -1    24-Jul-06   AH-64D                 Tom Farkash/Zvi Loft                               Main rotor separated, crew killed

Created and maintaned by David Lednicer



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