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Mark   Year Entries
1939-8778 / 0898-1051 : Zoölogical bulletin [electronic journal].    1
1873-7668 / 0898-1221 : Computers & mathematics with applications [electronic journal].  c1987- 1
1029-029X / 0898-1507 : Lasers in engineering [electronic journal].  1991- 1
9780898151695 / paperback : Mushrooms demystified : a comprehensive guide to the fleshy fungi / David Arora.  1986 1
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9780898153064 : Cohousing : a contemporary approach to housing ourselves / Kathryn McCamant and Charles Durrett ; [foreword by Charles W. Moore].  c1988 1
9780898153644 (Ten Speed Press) : Shelter.  1973 1
0898154014 : Decoration and its uses / by Edward Johnston ; transcribed by John Ch. Tarr from the imprint, 1913.  1991 1
0898154014 (hbk) : / $19.95 : Decoration and its uses / by Edward Johnston ; transcribed by John Ch. Tarr from the imprint, 1913.  1991 1
0898-154X : Merveilles & contes [electronic journal] = Marvels & tales = Wunder & Märchen = Maravillas & cuentos = Meraviglie & racconti.  1996 1
0898-1612 / 0898-1612 1 : The Journal of the National Education Association.  1930 1
2327-9699 / 0898-1922 : Bulletin of the Associates in Fine Arts at Yale University [electronic journal].  1957 1
1532-2394 / 0898-2104 : Journal of liposome research [electronic journal].  1988- 1
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