Thursday, March 8, 2012

Barren Grounds

It was warm outside & I was feeling better. I am still weak & need to rest often. I ended up with more side effects to the medication that did not agree with me. Sores in my nose & mouth. Looking out the dinning room windows today I decided it was time to get with it & put a plan together for the barren grounds that were my view.

Outside entering into the gardens. Come along with me.

These are the seeds I have purchased so far & I hope to start planting some to put in the mini greenhouse next week.

The gazebo looks empty without all the hanging baskets of boston ferns & flowers over flowing from the railing baskets.

I took a little swing while looking around & pondering my thoughts about the gardens.

The ducks took a dip in the garden pond while I looked for any sign of tulips breaking through the soil. Sure enough they are breaking through. Back to the duck house I heard ed the ducks.

the dianthaus have started to sprout green shoots in this rock bed.

Last year this wooded area was cleared & I had big plans for more rock beds to plant veggies in & a potting shed. My plans have changed a bit. That tree in the center will need to be cut before I can get started. The plan is to have the chicken house moved to this area & build an enclosure around it. They will be free to come in & out of the chicken house all day long with no more chasing them down to shut them in for the night. I will still shut them in the chicken house at night due to the dangers of other creatures roaming about in the night. The outhouse tool shed will be relocated again to this area & the bunny hutch to. Now I still want to make rock beds in this area with paths to pull my little brown wagon through. It may take me all summer but it is what I love doing no matter where I have lived over the years. Believe it or not more than once I moved my rocks right along with me.

The tubs are hung back on the outhouse tool shed after cleaning the bunny hutch & spreading the new fertilizer in the gardens today.

The hens have been out and about scratching in the leaves in the woods. Festus is in the chicken run. the hens stay close by to him. When he is out and about I have been having trouble getting the hens back in the chicken house for the night. They act like wild chickens when he is out. Catching Festus has gotten to be a 45 minute to an hour chore when he is out.

The hens are laying & I have a nice supply of fresh eggs.

Festus has recovered nicely after his bout with the frost bite burn. The points of his comb are rounded now rather than pointed. The points turned black & dried out then fell off. He can be heard loud & clear often.

So this was my day roaming about the barren grounds putting together my plans for life to begin a new in the gardens.

Blessings Til Next Time!
P.S. When I previewed this post it was not layed out as always but life happens & no time to redo.


  1. hi, Lara~ your grounds are pretty~ wonderful ideas for planting~ I am itching to get my hands in the soil~
    smiles & enjoy the day

  2. Hi Lara,
    I so enjoyed your garden tour and love the chicken house. My husband wants chickens...but guess who will have to feed and take care of them when he is at work. I have been doing a lot of reading about chickens and the thing that scares me is..what am I going to do when then get vets treat chickens.. I also read that a rooster is not required for laying hens...sounds like Festus can get rather roudy.
    Hope you feel better.
    Smiles and huggs,

  3. Hello Lara, I too am ready to get out in the yard and start spring plantings. I think you will find that a pen for your chickens will give you alot of time to do other things. We have chickens and I worried about them until we made a pen for them. They still need to be tended to and checked for illnesses and cleaning the hen house is still a chore but collecting fresh eggs makes it all worth it.
    Looking forward to all the neat things you will do to your gardens.
    Country at heart

  4. Sounds like you have a good idea of what you want to do. I know it's gonna look great no matter what you decide. Your pictures of your place are always so nicely kept and pretty. You can tell you put much love and care into it all. Have fun planning~ =]

  5. Festus is gorgeous. I had a rooster that had his comb frozen off and it was a lot rounder than your rooser's.
    I miss having chickens, but maybe someday I'll have them again.

  6. Loved your garden tour..the chickens reminded me of those my gramma had..I was so use to brown eggs that when I first saw a white one, i thought it was odd. Take care, Janice

    1. My kids only had white eggs before the chickens. Now they will not eat them. They prefer the brown eggs so I give the white eggs to my daughters boyfriend.

  7. Hi Lara,so glad to see that Festus has recovered.He is a gorgeous guy ,I am sure that he will enjoy your plans for the chicken coop.I can't wait to get out and start working on my gardens too.Hugs,Jen

  8. I hope you continue to gain back your strength, and good health. You have such a lovely place, there is wonderful potential there. Hope all your plants do well in the greenhouse!

  9. You have a very pretty outdoor area! Hope you are feeling better soon!

    1. I love your outdoor area! What I wouldn't give to have a nice designed year like yours :) Glad Festus has recovered, he is a handsome dude! I love hearing our rooster crow loud but not especially at 4 a.m. , lol. Hope you get your strength back soon, being outside in the fresh air is always good. Brown eggs are the best, I will never go back to eating white store bought eggs!
      Have a wonderful weekend,

      hugs, Trish

  10. It is such a blessing to be able to get outside in the fresh air amongst nature again and you have a wonderful yard! I'd love a few chooks myself but we don't have the space.
    Sincerest well wishes to you Lara for a quick return to better health.
    God bless

  11. You have a beautiful place. I notice you love to work with rocks, too.

  12. Oh, I loved taking a walk around your grounds with you. What a blessing to live in your dream home! Thank you for visiting Homespun Happenings. I am now your newest follower :)

AnonymousMarch 9, 2012 at 6:45 AMmment-header">M mment-header">M mment-header">Mar am now your newest follower :)

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