So I have been meaning to take Abby's 6 month photos. Now that she is 8 1/2 months old, I got around to it. I guess that means I can skip the 9 month photo shoot, right? I can't believe how big and grown-up my baby is getting. She really is the best baby ever. She is super content and always smiling. She rarely cries and is a champion sleeper and eater. She loves to be entertained by the troops and to go on walks in the stroller. She loves the Johnny jumper and toys that make sounds. She even started eating puffs! This freaked me out a little bit as it means she is getting older. We all love our happy Abby and could look at her pretty blue eyes all day!
Luke has been 2 for awhile and continues to keep us on our toes. You never know from day to day what new thing he will figure out. His favorite thing these days is to remove his diaper, especially at bedtime. I stole a trick from my friend and cut off the feet of his sleepers and turned them around and cut a triangle by the neck. I love this because he can't get it off to remove his diaper. Genius. Luke is still very particular though and will go in his room and randomly change his clothes. The other day he came out in his gray t-shirt and James' plaid orange shorts and rain boots. I laughed. The kid is stubborn and looks a mess. I took these pictures this morning and failed to comb his messy hair. I really did wash his face, but due to his allergies, cuts and scrapes, he looks a mess. I can assure you he is a happy child though and can be super endearing as he is the one who will help out the most if you say you need something. Ahhh Luke!
2024 Christmas Greetings
2 weeks ago
Such cute kids, Kay!!!
so cute. I miss those little guys. Excited to see them in July!!
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